Discussion: Trump Names Voter ID Pusher Hans Von Spakovsky To Bogus Voter Fraud Panel

This group of freaks rivals the bar crowd on the first Star Wars movie.

This feels like weā€™re in a comic book movie and watching the formation of the Legion of Doom, or Frightful Four, or Sinister Six if this gets big enough. Where the hell are the Avengers?

this needs to be shut down, ASAP.


The Trump voter suppression panel should have all proponents of eliminating the right to vote on it. The more obvious it is, the easier it is politically to ignore it, and refuse to cooperate. Please proceed.

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Team Trump should simply cut to the chase and proclaim that the only Americans who have a legitimate right to vote are those who are registered members of the Republican Party.


Iā€™m betting Herr Hans Von Spakovsky is getting fashion tips for his new Brownshirt uniform from Sebby Gorka. Right down to the medals.

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I always wondered what happened to this guy after his face melted.


all of them.

These guys are like roaches.

Whatā€™s the over/under on a Bradley Schlozman appearance?


As Kobach sends out a letter to all 50 states: Please send me all your voter information filesā€¦and yes they will be open for public inspection.

What voter intimidation?   Oh this one orchestrated by a Donald WH Commission.
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So, this guy is a specialist in voting machine hacking?

Oh ā€¦ not THAT kind of voting fraud.

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He sure was good in Raiders of the Lost Ark, though.


Separated at birth?


Shouldnā€™t he be have been getting out of prison for perjury and obstruction just about now?

Hey, Raiders of the Lost Ark was not a B-film!


oh shoot, didnā€™t see this before posting the exact same thing down-thread. Sorry!

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Hans Von Spakovsky

Iā€™ve got to say, thatā€™s a really great name for a Nazi.


Heā€™s not a scholar; heā€™s a deceitful GOP operative using legal tricks, obfuscation, and racist attitudes to effect voter suppression. All of this done gleefully with a taxpayer subsidy, since Heritage is a 501Ā©3 organization.

In an interview in the New Yorker a few years ago he claims that when growing up in Alabama (b. 1959), he was completely unaware of societyā€™s civil rights issues and strife. Believable? Not in the least, just like all of his claims to organized voter fraud.


Also a great name for someone who claims to be all het up about furriners voting.

OK, but if the GOP pushes for valid ID, not, on the face of it an ā€œunreasonableā€ requirement, then why do they permit Fish & Game licenses but exclude Student IDs? Whatā€™s with permitting NRA membership cards but not library cards? Why not permit Food Stamp IDs?

Because itā€™s a scam perpetually perpetrated by the GOP.

Nothing could be more obvious. It takes zero judicial effort to recognize the obvious, it just takes time, apparently. Enough time to make it through the next election, obviously. Enough time for the next GOP state congress to come up with something even more outrageous.