Ivanka will look just like her by the time Donald leaves office. Think about that for a moment. Daddy will have to replace both of them with new (media) whores.
Can you imagine that conversation. Would bring one to tears if you had to sit through it.
Trump’s victory shattered the glass ceiling for women?
Do the taxpayers have to buy her a new broom stick?
which means Republican Mammas everywhere are prepping their daughters for Trump tiaras and touches.
I hate Kellyanne’s face, BOTH of them!!
Not that it matters, but I think someone pretending to be 49 could just come clean about actually being 82 and get it over with.
“Trump praised her as a “tireless and tenacious advocate” who “played a crucial role” in his election victory, as quoted in the statement.”
OK, media including TPM. Statements like this need to be reconsidered. Trump did not use the term “tireless and tenacious” or “played a crucial role” - he simply doesn’t use or understand the meaning of those words. If you don’t hear Trump say it, and words outside his vocabulary of 200 are used, perhaps indicate that the Transition Team’s or (God help us) Administration’s statement “claims” Trump said this or that or that someone who has command of the English language “said something on [the idiot’s] his behalf.”
Yes, and for gays and blacks too. For the first time, a candidate was elected without regard to the color of his skin or his sexual orientation.
His original tweet used “tenashush” and “crooshel” but someone cleaned it up.
And just look at what less than half the voters thought about the content of his character, ugh!
Is she just going to lie on a loudspeaker, directly into our brains?
Kellyanne Conway Will Run Twitter Lynch Mob, For Donald Trump, America, And So Much $$$!
Wherein Wonkette speculates that the KAC unit may be the chief mean girl in charge of the Trump Twitter Troll Army.
Arrgh. Perfectly hideous person.
On MSNBC this morning STILL talking about Hillary and the campaign. I suppose I’d rather have these clowns talking about how unpresidented Trump’s victory was rather than doing stuff.
Oh goody. 2016 is a gift that keeps on giving. Now I have the assurance of knowing I’ll be hearing and seeing more of Kellyanne in the future. Yay me…
Love that image…maybe SNL can do something with it…Word Salad Nazis a la Seinfeld comes to mind…
I dunno stevie, I find her to be a turn on. Especially in the morning having a coffee. Oh Yea!
And thanks for the pic.
It’s taken 50 years of TV innovations for me to return to the days of radio, a TV with a mute button. I hardly watch anymore I just listen.
The Android Sisters!
Ralph , You need to Copyright that. It’s as good as nattering nabobs or Jiggery-pokery