Discussion: Trump: McMaster And I Are Working ‘Very Well Together’

Blinded by him, he cant see everything

Watch him yell for Kelly, good lord that scream


That’ll work too

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I wouldn’t say appreciates or values. But I think when Trump knows he’s in trouble, he’s got a faint, hazy sense that he shouldn’t rock the boat any more than he already has. It’s a very faint sense of danger and need to proceed with greater caution that’s much, much stronger in normal people.


I do think there’s also a weird semi-awareness he could use a strict father figure… (or maybe that’s just what’s familiar).


That’ll depend on who’s up next.

Now it’s somewhat clear that ‘45’ is possibly headed back to that time when he was a football owner (least said/remembered, the better), but while he might have a list of future. natsec advisors to go to, it might be smart (knock on wood) for him to choose wisely.

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Thanks… little donnie man baby …

Like I’m supposed to believe ANYTHING you say ? ? …

Bwaaaaahahahhahahaa —


I wonder if Trump eats bar-b-que, I’ve heard the secrets in the sauce.


Personally i think Trump is a groupie for generals n admirals, which is still a problem, but imagine the fan fiction.


Last thing I want to do is overstress any sense of restraint in Trump—it’s not a hallmark or anything. But he’s managed to avoid catching a charge all these years, and with all the crap he’s pulled it speaks to that feral sense of survival. He doesn’t act on it often, any more than addicts always act on the knowledge that they shouldn’t steal and sell their family’s appliances. But he just might have a sense that if he up and fires McMaster the world will say “Look, he got rid of another of the adults in the room.” He’ll get yelled at more, and he hates that. And he’s got that feral sense that he’s already squandered a lot of his pull. He can’t afford to get much weaker, because more trouble is brewing anyway. So maybe there’s that tickle of an impulse on the don’t-do-it side. Just an intuition I have is all.


Why I think I see an underlying desire to have a “parent” around comes from working under a narcissist. This boss was not able to sustain it, but for a time he had both a remarkably decent “father” and “mother” working as subordinates for him.

He, of course, made it impossible for them to stay.

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\m/( > . < )\m/ “no puppet”


\m/( > . < )\m/ “you’re the puppet”

smartphone solo


I tend to agree, Matt. I think that’s what his Joisey vacation is about. Who vacations in Jersey, by the way? He’s denning, hiding like a mischievous dog who knows it’s going to be yelled at for shredding all the toilet paper in the bathroom while the owner is away. I think he knows something nasty is coming his way.


I didn’t think Bannon was going to win the natsec spot but somebody he likes is probably going to if McMaster is out since it was my understanding that this was a Bannon coup against McMaster.


Doesn’t take a genius. If he can’t stop Mueller he may find out what it’s like to finally be indicted. If he’s been naughty with Russian money they’re going to nail his hide to the barn door.


OT Continued:

The Tragic Condition of the Statue of Liberty
A collaboration with Emma Lazarus
Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!
Give me your gentrificatees of the Lower East Side including all the well-heeled young Europeans who’ll take apartments without leases
Give me your landlords, give me your cooperators
Give me the guys who sell the food and the computers to the public schools in District One
Give me the IRS-FBI-CIA men who don’t take election day off
Give me the certain members of the school board & give me the district superintendent
Give me all the greedy members of both american & foreign capitalist religious sects
Give me the parents of the punk people
Give me the guy who puts those stickers in the Rice Krispies
Give me the doctor who thinks his time is more valuable than mine and my daughter’s & the time of all the other non-doctors in this world
Give me the mayor, his mansion, and the president & his white house
Give me the cops who laugh and sneer at meetings where they demonstrate the new uses of mace and robots instead of the old murder against people who are being evicted
Give me the landlord’s sleazy lawyers and the deal-making judges in housing court & give me the landlord’s arsonist
Give me the known & unknown big important rich guys who now bank on our quaint neighborhood
Give me, forgive me, the writers who have already or want to write bestsellers in this country
Together we will go to restore Ellis Island, ravaged for years by wind, weather and vandals
I was surprised and saddened when I heard that the Statue of Liberty was in such a serious state of disrepair & I want to help
This is the most generous contribution I can afford.

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Needlework the way, he will throw ya away

As impeachment starts to become clearer

Pain monopoly, wraithistic (?) misery


If the story in this piece is remotely true, and much of it concerns Felix Stater and Josh has already written quite a bit about Stater, then Trump will in fact end up as some anonymous IC person said way back at the first of the year: “he will die in prison.”


Yeah, you’d think that, but they just look at the whole Scaramucci thing. If Trump had his shit together in any way whatsoever that man wouldn’t have been within ten miles of the administration…but instead he was basically chief of staff for a week.

Trump won’t fire McMaster, but not because of a sense of survival - it will be because he’s too much of a coward to say “you’re fired” to a general’s face.


Saying that you’re “working very well together” generally is not something you say when you are working very well together. That’s because you are supposed to be working well together, it’s not an accomplishment when you are simply doing your job.



trumPP in his ignorantly blissful state won’t know this either. Rs are acting as if he’s not in the WH and a bunch of them are planning to present themselves as candidates, raising money right now and making all the right noises including maybe Haley who’s getting to know the NY money men…