Discussion: Trump Mar-A-Lago Buddy Wrote Policy Pitch. The President Sent It To VA Chief

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One of the shittier bosses I ever had would do this stuff. Some clown he was hanging out with at a bar would make some idiot suggestion and he’d come back and tell everyone to do this new thing and turn everything upside down.


Apparently this clown didn’t get any traction with the VA. It is interesting that Trump came in to government claiming he was going to drawn the swamp but instead he just added more swamp creatures.


I don’t see anything wrong with this way of doing government business. Why, that’s how Abe Lincoln ran things. And Abe didn’t have Democrats hindering his every move,. amirite?


Well, there were many times that Obama did the same thing like, oh…NEVER!


No worries, I’m sure Ivanka vetted it first. Or Barron…


Hazzouri declined to explain why his note to Trump addressed him as “King,” calling it an inside joke from long before Trump became president. “I call other people King,” he said. “It’s a very personal thing.”

We won't even get into what happened between Trump and Hazzouri in the rear seat of a Buick back in '89.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Hazzouri declined to explain why his note to Trump addressed him as “King,” calling it an inside joke from long before Trump became president. “I call other people King,” he said. “It’s a very personal thing.”

Cool story, bro.

So much more plausible that writing that to amp up the flattery in order to increase the likelihood that the President might pay attention and perhaps act.


This is no lie.

Where I used to work, our CEO (who used to rack up more time gaining frequent flyer miles than running the office), was sitting next to a guy on a plane who was using a Covey Planner.

When the CEO got home, he immediately mandated a half-mil $ investment in everyone in the company, down to the janitors, taking a four-day Covey Seven Habits Course, being issued free binders, and all the follow-up stuff. And we were in a very tight-budget year, that year.

It was supposed to “pay off” in big productivity gains.



Prima nocte?

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Droit du seigneur


Nessun dorma!


I used to drive a Nessun Dorma, til I traded it in on a Carmen Toreador…


Good Lord.

First unelected Jared runs Mid-East policy so he can get finances for his buildings.

Ivanka does Far East policy or goes to meetings she has no business being in, so she can get patents on the crap she sells.

Zinke ran the Interior Dept. so he could get kickbacks from mining companies.

Price ran HHS so he could get a deal on his Phrma stocks.

Carson got himself a fancy table and chairs…and who knows what else.

All of them get pleasure rides on gov’t jets on the taxpayer’s dime for jet fuel and expensive landing fees when they all should have flown coach. And the vacations they’ve all been taking on our money…I can’t begin to imagine how out of control that shit has been.

tRump gets money from everybody and everything from golf carts, to memberships, to drinks at the Post Office Hotel he owns, and so much more I can’t even begin to list. I can’t stand this SHIT!!!

Who the fuck is running the store. It feels like we’re in the process of being robbed for the last two years and someone knocked out the surveillance cameras.

I just think that now that the Dems have taken over the House, the shredders are being clandestinely worked 24 hours a day to coverup all this bullshit.


I rode an Idiot Savant for awhile.

Eventually she wore me out with so much baseball trivia I traded her in.


They gotta keep the evil Demoncrats from wasting taxpayer money with government boondoggles and useless entitlement programs.




Its really depresses me some days. I really think they’re gonna get away with a lot of this crap. Even if the Dems do oversight they’ll only be able to get a quarter of all the wrongdoing and self-dealing all these assholes have been involved in for the last several years.


That kind of blind leap into some novelty universal solution is typical of people who can’t do strategic planning. Some charlatan comes along with magic beans and they’re all over it and their employees are fervently wishing them dead because it just throws everything off. Half a million bucks? That hurts my mind. Wasted. Just wasted. Wow wow wow.


I’ve made at least 50 calls to my 3 Congressional representatives in the last two years and have yet to speak to any of them personally or get anything more than a generic email response.

Yet if you can afford to be in the president’s club you can get a direct line to cabinet members?

I wonder if the seismometers are picking up on all the rolling over happening in Arlington right now.

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