sometimes i want to scream at reporters…IGNORE the TROLL! He’s a fucking moron who treats the Office of the President as a Reality TV Gig…stay tuned for our big reveal right after these commercial messages
Should be preceded by " Moron spouts insanity"
“Crazy old man shakes fist at clouds”
Any time he says “We’ll see” he’s slipping back into a time when a teaser would mean higher ratings on his TeeVee show
News flash Donnie - yer ratings are in the toilet and are only going to get worse
In general that’s true and it was always true. He just constantly runs his mouth and most of it means nothing. But when he gathers military leaders, asks if the pool knows what it means, and then talks about the “calm before the storm,” anybody who’s paid to report on the President of the United States must file a story on what he just said. It’s not a judgment call. It’s a hint—a stupid, insane, suicidally reckless hint, but a hint all the same—that military action might be imminent. The wrongness is not in the reporting of it but in the simple fact that such a frivolous, stupid, mentally and emotionally unbalanced person is the military leader of a superpower.
@mrf This is on of those rare moments when you wish for a military coup.
It was in the works, but the Secret Service confiscated the generals’ rolls of duct tape.
Will I blow up the world? STAY TUNED!
Change of subject, but why does the First Nipple look like she’s dressed for an interview with the Kelly temp agency?
Did he say the magic words in two weeks or does this mean we all need to buy stock in Depends?
I agree to an extent, i have no problem with the initial asks ( i watched it on Morning Joe, this morning). Although, I thought the repeated requests as he got more and more smug just fed into his ego. My issue was more with the talk this morning, i didn’t catch her name but, they had one of the reporters from the event last night. They way she talked about it just rubbed me the wrong way and even know they’re just talking about it like it’s a joke, oh The President is just trolling but, let’s give him all the intention in the world and spend ALL DAY paying attention to the Dotard.
That’s probably exactly what she’s doing. The traditional charitable stuff First Ladies sometimes do doesn’t bring you into contact with as many hot young guys as the business world does. Melanie’s like anyone, she wants to live her life, you know?
When the POTUS makes psychotic inuendo about war, I don’t want to assume he’s joking and everything will be OK.
To be honest I never watch TV so when people go OMG STOP ALREADY I know what they mean but I may not be feeling it as strongly myself. That said I find it hard sometimes to figure out how much blame to assign to everyone and how to take it all, and I have to think the grotesque spectacle laid before us in the media is more his responsibility than it was before he came along. Most of the cable and TV people were terrible before and remain so. But Trump has belched forth a shipwrecked supertanker’s worth of terrible into the media ecology. It’s incredibly serious and impossible to take seriously simultaneously. That’s what Putin does. But all the people who’ve lived through this kind of thing say to take it seriously.
The the reporters shouldn’t treat it like a joke. I have MSNBC on right now and ALL they’re talking about is how it’s the President being high Drama and trolling the American People. Either treat it like it’s a real possible declaration of war/intent and start asking tough questions or ignore it. Don’t treat it like oh it’s The President looking for ratings and it’s a TV Gig and blah blah blah.
Sorry I’m just not happy with the way the MSM is handling it, which is basically another form of entertainment/ratings baiting.
This was my first thought on this. He still thinks in terms of capturing headlines, unrelated to truth (Obama’s birth certificate, anyone?)-
My second thought on this was: could be deflection.
Which led to my third thought: what is coming down the pike that he wants to deflect from? (Mueller talks to PeePee dossier author, perhaps?) Why did Jr trot out about the Charlottesville “both sides” comment again?
Are we in for another Friday evening surprise??
I really hope that that storm is Mueller at the gate. I hope he literally takes the chocolate cake out of his mouth.
Yes, but it was a staged photo-op. Other than the Moron-in-Chief, look at all those other faces. Hard to get too worked up looking at all the smiles.
He’s doing plenty of damage right here with health care. Announced this morning, his administration is reversing the birth control mandate (thanks to all those women who couldn’t manage to vote for Clinton). And I wonder what Iowans who need health care are thinking:
OT, but useful.
Well, at least Paddock wasn’t able to buy tracer rounds.
I’m a caregiver 24/7 for a friend with dementia. A year ago we had conversations in which she would out of nowhere say something not related at the moment or just off the wall nutty. It was strange but not harmful. Then several months later those nutty statements graduated into hallucinations. Some non threatening but some were frightening to her. We are now on a pretty aggressive program of anti depressants and schizophrenia drugs to keep the hallucinations under control. This follows a surprisingly predictable progression according to the alzheimers organization which I became a member of so I’d be better able to predict, identify and deal with situations as they arise. I have seen this condition and i’m dealing with it as I write. This president to a large degree is following the same pattern I have witnessed. BAHLEEVE me when I say this gets worse and this is dementia case is probably a lot more dangerous.