Two to three weeks, believe me! The tapes’ll be good,
Let me say this once. THERE. ARE. NO. FUCKING. TAPES. !! Donald bullshits!
Either there are no tapes, and it will be announced at 5:30 on Friday, or there are tapes, and the Trump team is spitting bricks figuring out how to put out the Comey stuff without exposing all the incriminating stuff, or delivery of the tapes from Moscow is taking longer than expected.
Here’s the big reveal…Like Al Capone’s vault, there’s nothing there. There are no tapes. Get it? Got it? Good.
And, keep in mind that true to the GOP semantic gamesmanship, Trump will claim he NEVER said there WERE tapes, he simply said Comey better hope there aren’t any. Unfortunately, that’s going to carry the day. There are no tapes, but Trump never explicitly said there are. He’ll probably announce something exactly at the time Bitch McCornhole reveals the GOP health care “plan”, thus distracting from how horrible it is.
Oh come on. How many times has Trump said he was going to release something on such & such a day, or during such & such a time frame? Why do you keep falling for this shit? He’s not going to release the tapes (that don’t exist) and he’s not going to admit the tapes (that don’t exist) don’t exist. Not without a subpoena anyway.
“Likely”, “possibly”, what’s the point? Just more distraction. He’s already said that we’ll be disappointed. If you believe Comey over a man who cannot stop lying, then clearly there are no tapes: they would only prove that he’s lying again. The remark about “Comey better hope there aren’t any tapes” was likely just another blind, dumb, off-the-cuff threat.
And since they would prove that Trump is lying, even if there were tapes we wouldn’t know about them – unless they try to edit them in an effort to re-write history. That way, even if the edited tape were clearly fraudulent, his supporters will buy it, which apparently is all he cares about. However, following the principle of Trump;s Razor, anything really really stupid could happen . . .
Trump is treating the presidency like a reality show…and it’s working. Here’s the media (and us) reporting the “story,” debating whether or not the tapes exist, hanging on every tweet.
Last week on CNN I saw anchors interviewing Newsmax’s CEO!!! The administration might be leaking like a sieve, but the lack of official communication channels has the media sucking up to the authoritarian grifters in Trump’s circle for scraps of information.
Why not just run the story about treason, and then, when there is no response, run a reel of an orange chicken clucking. He’s going to call them “fake news” anyway. Wear the insult with pride, and goad that tyrannical buffoon into more on air confessions.
Hehehe , Donny is foreplaying again , teasing as usual . Roflmfao .
Let me help those that are waiting for the tapes with bated breath…you won’t be seeing any tapes, and if they did exist,our liar in chief would quash them because they would prove Cody correct.
…or they’re still working on making the tapes.
He’d like to tell us himself, but he’ll have to let his counsel answer the question, as Trump will have no more public comments on the Russia investigation.
Wonder if he’ll tell what his ‘birther detectives’ discovered as well. Hmmmmmmmmm
Brilliant description…
“Tapes?” Yeah, sure. Remember that video of Trump and all that “amazing” stuff Trump’s investigators found in Hawaii regarding Obama’s birth certificate? Ahhhh, like where is the report on what those investigators found?
No ride in the Gold Carriage for Donnie in the foreseeable future…
Too unbelievable to just plop in some report!!
What is the political motivation for her to go after a “hard Brexit” now? My understanding is that support for ANY Brexit has evaporated recently.
She’s trying hard to rally the troops after her embarrassing failure in the snap elections.
She’ll face a vote of no confidence sooner rather than later with her minority government.
Rachel Maddow reports T-russian $$$ connections…
Following the money, the money , the money