Well fine then…
He’s the dipstick on a 1962 Corvair.
Well fine then…
He’s the dipstick on a 1962 Corvair.
Well, at least we no longer pretend to be morally superior in our conquests.
Used to be that conservatives mocked liberals for suggesting the war was about oil. According to Donald, liberals were right. Do conservatives know that?
Used to be that conservatives mocked liberals for criticizing the gulf war. According to Donald, liberals were right. Do conservatives know that?
With regard to Donald Trump claiming the war was wrong and a mistake, while at the same time advocating theft of a foreign country’s natural resources, how do military people feel about the fact that Donald has singlehandedly assured ISIS of doubling in size?
since this is a position he’s expressed and held for a long time, someone needs to ask him the specifics of just how he’s gonna take that oil. like the production; transport; getting to market (as if the international community wouldn’t instantly put sanctions against the u.s. – the fucking disruption to contemplate is nuts).
Trump’s “plan” reminds me of a drunken friend giving directions to the LA Convention Center to someone from out of town. Here was his directions… “First go to LA. Then go to the Convention Center. Call me when you get close.”
That’s about as detailed as any of Trump’s plans
thank you for bringing that up
Ha, I see him on the pirate ship that held Julius Caesar for ransom while he promised to execute them all. They got their ransom he was released, and shortly afterwards he made sure they were all executed.
Yes, Donnie. A lot of people don’t know that Iraq has the second largest oil reserves in the world. Those are the people that haven’t been paying attention. Your folk, the uneducated.
By the way, Russia had about $8 billion in oil contracts that we illegally voided.
And has been mentioned, we’re not allowed to just steal their oil. It doesn’t work that way.
precisely… not to mention the sabotage along the way…
he has a plan…
what plan?
i heard that it was called ‘Operation McClellan’ (s), but its a plan…
the Russians are using an Iranian air base for their Syrian sorties…
Obviously he’s jealous of Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize and is starting his own personal campaign.
How I wished that Matt would have had to balls to ask Trump, when he continued to dodge the “do you actually have plans for ISIS?” questions without offering up a single specific policy or even an idea of what he’s do, “In order to defeat ISIS, would you consider using nuclear weapons against the Middle East?” because I think HO would have said YES to that, very defiantly, and people need to know that.
Someone needs to explain to me HTF there can be undecided voters at this point! These candidates, their ideas, their knowledge is so vastly different I can’t understand how anyone could be on the fence.
Take him seriously folks.
He just went into Mexico and took all their taco trucks.
I hear they’re on every street corner now.
Come on folks!!! It’s so simple. There is absolutely no way ISIS could recruit outraged anti-American fighters in an environment where the U.S. was squatting over Iraqi oil fields and stealing their resources. This is just one example how much more Trump knows than our generals.
I wish someone had asked Trump why he’s willing to let American troops die, instead of giving his brilliant idea to his country and saving lives.
I’m really astonished how people seem unable to put these things together. The military loves Trump because he’s hiding a way to save their lives???
Trump did brag to Matt how successful his trip to Mexico was from the view of foreign policy. Of course, he didn’t really accomplish anything but still . . . . .
Well he got the Mexican finance minister who arranged the trip to resign - that’s an accomplishment to brag about!
Didn’t you see “There Will Be Blood?” It’s simple. We just tunnel in from Kuwait and suck it out.
What an idiot. I can’t believe the drivel that spilled from those sphincter-looking lips. Ladies and gentlemen, presenting Donald J Trump, the Grand Poobah of Shallow Thinking.