Trump isn’t laying down cover fire. He’s running scared.
BTW, where’s Rudy these days?
Trump isn’t laying down cover fire. He’s running scared.
BTW, where’s Rudy these days?
He’s being accused, at least from what I can tell, of committing crimes against the state. I’m sure his voters don’t get it, because they’ve never seen anything like it before. When the evidence, the hard evidence, that Mueller and his team have is revealed, they will do their best to discredit it, but who are you going to believe: Trump or your lyin’ eyes???
“63 million…63 million” - that’s like a football team saying “27 points…27 points!!” without acknowledging that the other team scored 30…
Makes no sense.
And the election didn’t “just” happen it was almost 2.5 years ago. And it feels like 35 years ago.
Someone needs to convince him, that like Sarah Palin, he has accomplished SO MUCH in two years - like NO ONE else could do - that he should resign so he can go on to work where he can have more impact. Say - on a tv show. He could be like no other President (frmr) ever!!1!
Then we can discount the SCOTUS and other judiciary appointments in the US because they weren’t elected either.
Let’s see how long THAT concept lasts.
So, he’s a regular lunatic.
kats, I didn’t recognize you in your tutu! Happy spring!
He now seems to blame things on former deceased Senators and former Attorney Generals. Everything has got to be someone else’s fault.
It used to be the standard in bullshitting that it had to sound good at least for a few moments if you were sympathetic to the bullshitter. “Judges legislating from the bench,” all that. Sounds legit, for a couple of seconds, if you don’t like what the judge did. But this isn’t even that—it’s just blather. It’s like if a cop pulls you over and you’re crying that the other drivers didn’t even get to vote on if you were speeding or not, no fair! I swear I remember when some GOP figure would make an argument and for a second or two or three you knew it was a bogus argument but you couldn’t see exactly how it worked, until you did.
Yeah that makes all kinds of people in his administration questionable. We didn’t get to vote on Stephen Miller either - yet he’s setting policies that affect us all. We didn’t get to vote on any of the cabinet members so what’s up with that?
Speculation is going around that Trump has banned him from tv appearances.
The ego-boost rally in Ohio is going to be fucking insane.
And of course, no one in MSM that listened to and reported on this drivel had any kind of legitimate follow up other than ‘thank you, Mr. President.’, right? No challenge, no pushback, no follow up. Just accepted and moved on.
Surely he has reached, or is about to reach the level of delusion when he starts talking to the paintings in the WH.
This must be the pivot!
Or the brother-in-law in the driveway at the very least…
The “Desperation Meter” is pegged at “bat shit off the charts!”
Gosh, I thought that had started months ago.
I think the headline may need an update:
“Trymp Fans Dumpster Fire Before Release of Mueller Report”
(PS: No typo. I just can’t bring myself to fully invoke his name.)