Blah blah blah. I’ll believe it when I see it. What’s your theory, the Preznit is “too busy” for a subpoena? That didn’t work for Clinton. But then Clinton didn’t have a stacked SCOTUS. I’d say well played, but it really isn’t.
There won’t be a subpoena. There will be a Grand Jury declaration that names Trump as an un-indicted co-conspirator. That’s a deferred indictment and starts the clock on his exit from the Presidency.
In a related story, they have also decided what Trump will request for his last meal.
Trump publicly vocalizes his willingness to answer Mueller’s questions.
Actually, no.
Rudy is noise, rather than news.
Rudy is the pasta that slides down the wall because it doesn’t stick.
Rudy metaphors! I’ll go: Rudy is a TV clown the adult lawyers are using as a kind of babysitter to keep their man-baby client happy and entertained.
“We would move to quash the subpoena,” Giuliani told the Post. “And we’re pretty much finished with our memorandum opposing a subpoena. … (We’re ready to) argue it before the Supreme Court if it ever got there…”
“,because the President is above the law. Everybody knows that, except the perpetrators of this witch hunt that is eroding the unilateral and unconditional authority that this President holds unto himself.”
Rudy is the WH jester!
Kellyanne is the WH taster.
I don’t think they are going to be gettin’ that br’er patch, no matter how much they beg.
I suppose anyone can put up a subpoena to anything, but how legitimate would this be? The headline implies the administration would jump over the entire judiciary and head straight to SCOTUS without stopping at any of the Federal courts along the way.
Would SCOTUS fast-track this? Would they hand down a decision before June or even before mid-terms? It’s already been proven over and over in the courts that the Fed judiciary believes this inquiry to be valid and with merit.
Other than more headlines, what will this accomplish?
This is another reason Senate Republicans are trying to rush Kavanaugh’s confirmation.
Yeah Donnie. THIS makes you like a poor innocent victimized by those big bad Hillary voters. Good god.
“Trump Lawyers Prepared To Take Potential Mueller Subpoena To SCOTUS”
Of course they hope to take this to SCOTUS, it is an arena where they expect to win the permission for furtherance of their efforts to turn the US into an autocratic state submitting to the Republican party and the Trumpian overlords. Because it is what they have said.
I suspect the SC has other plans.
Another day, another Rudy story, another bit of vomit in my mouth. The sun came up…
I think that’s exactly correct, and it really highlights the level of dysfunction as follows: yes, the career federal bureaucracy is resisting the malign influence of the dotard, but even his own team and his own appointees and confidants are running interference against their boss.
Modern-day unitary executive, as Kellyanne might say.
Hey, if SC doesn’t vote in his favor, he will strip Neil Gorsuch of his, his, his … wacky robe! And write an ALL CAPS TWEET about his ingratitude (but use a smaller word, of course).
So the sitting President of the United States is moving to quash a subpoena to avoid incriminating himself. Unbelievable.
Of course, he’ll tell us he’s much much too busy wrestling in the mud with his former staffers to have time…an excuse that I find actually has some merit.