Discussion: Trump Lawyer: Cruz Is 'Whining Baby' Who Should Be Booted From GOP (VIDEO)

He wasn’t showing self respect. He was just doing the same thing he’s done his whole life, being a complete, self-absorbed, self-righteous raging asshole. The fact that it looks like self-respect is just a coincidence, like John Bolton being “concerned” about Trump’s belief that NATO should be an American protection racket sounds like that deranged, mustachioed raging crackpot sounding sane.


All are welcome in the Republican Party’s “big tent.”


Oh nos … a civil war between the Pathologically inept Trump wing of the party and The Certifiably insane teabagger wing.
Quick someone get some cream pies


Talk about a lying baby…if you have not been following this, read response to Trump’s lawyer. Epic.


Donald Trump’s business lawyer said…

Who was paying for his time while he dove into the politics?

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“All of the Animals in the barnyard are equal. Some are just more equal than others.”


Let’s recap. Trump will purge all Obama supporters from government, and now purge people from the Republican that are not sufficiently loyal and kiss his ring, wants to change the laws so he can go after the press who “attack Trump”, said leaders in countries the supress civil rights and jail political opposition and protestors…

Is the frog boiled yet?


Wah, wah, wah.

Who you callin’ a whining baby, now?

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I was going to jump out until I saw that cute little basket full of soaps on lotions, then I decided to stick around for awhile.

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This is a lawyer?
Why would a suicide be given a reprimand, Mr. Lawyer?
Could you give us some idea of the searing butt burn Mr. Trump is still experiencing as evidenced by your casual good spirits?

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LOL at Trump’s lawyer for seeking compensation from somebody for alleged “defamatory statements” about a boorish candidate in the midst of a political campaign.


“Ted Cruz should be reprimanded by the RNC,” he said. "Last night he
committed political suicide. I don’t think he should be entitled to run.
It’s not the person that you want but they all should have come to the
table and they all should have done what they were supposed to do. So
not only did they lie to the RNC in the pledge, but they lied to the
American people. We don’t need politicians like that anymore. "

So the take home message is Ted better not lob any more BS comments. Only Der Drumpfenfuhrer is allowed to say complete frigging off the wall derpish bullshit.
Not entitled to run? Does this lawyer have the power to decide who will run and who won’t??

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So this is the intellectual prowess of what passes for an executive vice president in business these days.

Perhaps that indicates why our economy is suffering. It’s not the cashiers being paid minimum wage. It’s the “executives” whose only accomplishment consists of preening.

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