It’s an all-to-familiar pattern… bad news on the Russian Front and Hair Furor does one of two things: fires someone or shit out a tweet storm to distract the media & attempt to change the subject.
Anything that threatens his unreality bubble produces the same reaction – especially when he’s been stewing for days or when he sundowns.
An article in the LA Times this a.m. focused on a Trump voter who continues to support him. Nice enough man with liberal views on many issues. He was asked “why” in view of the fact this embarrassment hasn’t come through on any of his promises. The guy answered with the “booming” stock market. That’s it. There are people out there who will continue to prop up this sick, dangerous and twisted individual as long as they see their “worth” increasing. Country be damned.
Pence writes about the Colts taking a knee that he would not watch a team that disrespects the flag, anthem or country…when the protest IS ABOUT NONE OF THOSE THINGS
Justice and an end to unnecessary police use of force is the issue. The anthem is just the vehicle.
What is also reprehensible is that teams are paid millions of dollars and told to flaunt their Patriotism with color guards, marching bands, and ridiculously large flags. When I was a youngster and attended Dodger games (in the 1950’s) the National Anthem would be played. We’d all stand respectively hand over heat and then we’d hear “LET’S PLAY BALL!!” and that was it. No extra bullshit, no fake flaunting, No hero worship.
You nailed that. Jared is in deep trouble and all the smiling dimples in the world can not hide that fact. Standing between him and federal prison stands the orange one. Now Jared is starting to realize he might be better off in the fed prison than the state prison and he is in a world of hurt. What to do? What to do?
Next he will be endorsing Blackburn for corkers spot.
Bet he won’t tweet her in a bad light. She will never say “no” to trump over anything.
She will be on all fours 24/7 in the oval office so emperor can impose his greatness at every delusional moment he has.
Which is many and continuous.
I’ve been around since Harry Truman was in office although I had no awareness of politics then. I once saw Eisenhower in a motorcade standing in his open top limo and waving to me and my family as he drove by. That sparked an interest in civics for me. From Eisenhower to Obama no president ever behaved like trump. None of those men ever soiled the office to the extent this man has. Not even Richard Nixon. And for me saying that… it is a serious thing. I have friends who are dead because of Nixon. It’s that level of serious.
The most serious threat facing America is donald trump. I hope we (meaning Congress) act appropriately.