I just scrolled through the FOX news twitter thread with Corker’s reply,
seems like full scale panic among the Trumpsters, I think Corker hit a nerve…
You know Corker was right. Adult day care indeed.
I love the sound of rightwing nut panic…
It’s very diplomatic of the writers of this article to use these mild words describing fuckingmoron. Clearly, they’re not TPM user material
" has little tolerance for public criticism and prides himself on counterpunching those who cross him,
Thanks for the report and being willing to read through over there. I have long since decided that I don’t have the stomach for scrolling through Fox commenters.
I would have expected contemptuous disdain. Panic sounds better.
I’m sorry I looked because I found this. Don’t know what the beef is based, but she’s on shaky ground in Utah.
Leonardo DiCaprio ?
A black, woman Republican has a lot in common with the Turkeys In Favor of Thanksgiving advocacy group…
My wish is that Lin Manuel Miranda write another presidential Broadway play titled “Orange.” Tweets put to rap. I haven’t thought this through yet, but ghosts of former presidents would appear to taunt him. And the mayor from Puerto Rico, Rosie O’Donnell, Gloria Allred, Corey Booker, my brilliant granddaughter, the disabled reporter he made fun of, Anne Richards, Kamala Harris, the residents of Flint, Michigan.
Don’t forget Molly Ivins.
Thank you. Maybe George Carlin too. And Alonzo Boden
OT. CNN headline - Trump defends tossing paper towels.
Mitch McConnel and Paul Ryan, I am looking at you. How much more damage and humiliation are you willing to accept before you stop playing nice, supporting and excusing the disaster in the Oval Office?
They were. Corker foolishly supported Trump’s campaign, and Trump considered Shorty for the SoS post.
But their relationship soured badly over the summer, and it’s irreparably damaged now.
I disagree with Corker 98% of the time (and I’ve known him for years) but he’s not a Trumpist in any way.
Trump called him and asked him to reconsider retiring, and offered an endorsement—Corker turned him down.
Hence, this morning’s lie-filled tweet-fest.
Corker found Trump’s soft spot. He’s afraid of re-election. Donald is really, really scared that his will be the biggest defeat in American history.
Oh happy day. We’re going to get even with the Russians and their Koch Brothers billionaires enablers in a way that makes it crystal clear that the Conservative Movement was nothing ever but a hoax. Republicans were so corrupted that they plotted their own demise with a foreign country power no less.
Mia Love is an Oreo Supreme.
She’s also an idiot.
I guess I really didn’t follow the trajectory of their relationship. Pretty much every relationship in Trumpworld ends the same - like this.
There is no loyalty among Republicans, conservatives hypocrites and Russian Mafia money launderers.