The harsh reality is the ACA was the GOP’s plan going back decades. They simply couldn’t take “yes” for an answer so they opted instead to attack the black Democratic President and spin up their base for short term electoral reasons since the GOP was on its deathbed after the Great Recession and Iraq clusterfuck.
That lead to 8 years of painting themselves further and further into the corner.
I am amused, if that’s the word, that McConnell has now turned into Mr. Institution in defending the way the Senate works. Even better will be when he endorses the “bipartisan” efforts to “fix” ACA, that are now bubbling up on the Cave of the Winds. The reason the GOP has nothing on health care is, imo, because the goal has never been to replace, simply to repeal and not even that, to cash in on their early successes in demonizing ACA and Obama. If they were serious, they’d’ve followed Rand Paul and tried for a clean repeal. “Replace” was not on the table until very recently. Hoisted, etc.
Soon the bully Trump will get the punch in the puss he so richly deserves. It will be Little Marco, or Mitch McConnel, or better yet, John McCain decking Trump. His Secret Service detail will let it happen. It will be on TV. The whole country will cheer. And the soon-to-be ex-President will run back to Trump Tower to hide his shame, only to find himself locked out, the building shuttered with a for sale sign on the door.
Excellent news to see Trump and Yertle the Turtle fighting in public. It’s probably even worse in private. Let’s hope the disarray keeps stopping the terrible GOP agenda.
Donnie: The GOP’s notion that they were going to actually be able to repeal, much less repeal and replace the ACA instead of simply trying to improve and correct the ACA was a fool’s mission from the beginning. Even Ted Cruz knew that when he said that once you give voters a benefit it is nearly impossible to take it away. Your ignorance of all this simply demonstrates how stupid, foolish and unqualified you are for this job you have. Please, find another job because, and many of us have known since June, 2015, the job of President is way beyond your depth.
As fo Mr. Scavino, please Danny boy, go back to the playground and amuse yourself there. You are now way out of your league.
It is obvious I think that trump needs to be treated like a 3 yr old. Too bad he can’t be sent to his room without his phone or any other electronic gizmo so that he can properly sulk and examine the error of his ways.
But how internecine is it really? Trump was never much of a Republican in the first place so this is really more a matter of the GOP turning on the Mongol hordes that conquered it.
It is almost as if the Lying orange Shit-Stain had no actual Health Care Reform Plan of his own, and now he’s trying to blame someone else for their failures so that no one will notice that he never even had a plan to begin with.
I mean, there are a few people who remember the Dip-Shit-in-Chief, back on the campaign trail talking about how his plan, (which seemingly existed back then, at least to hear him tell it), was going to insure everyone at much lower costs, with much better coverage… and yet, now, in the actual event, that plan was nowhere to be found. But the problem, now, we told is McCain’s brain tumor, which caused him to vote “no” when he was meant to vote “yes.”
For what it is worth, the Senate exceeded MY expectations by avoiding a disastrous "yes’ vote on repealing to provisions of the ACA without anything at all in place to replace it.