“General John Kelly is doing a great job as Chief of Staff,” Trump said Friday on Twitter. “I could not be happier or more impressed.”
Kiss of Death™
“General John Kelly is doing a great job as Chief of Staff,” Trump said Friday on Twitter. “I could not be happier or more impressed.”
Kiss of Death™
President Trump should fire John Kelly and hire one of his family members to the job.
Wow. That’s some news. I thought he was T-boy’s personal security guy…
In the article below it says he’s leaving for “personal financial reasons”. I will take that to mean he can’t afford the legal representation that he’s going to need.
He also mentions not liking Kelly’s restrictions to access to the prez.
Dick is a lot of things, but not stupid enough to want that job.
Obama was pretty relevant for Sandy.
I disagree with khyber, most people have little clue what a CEO or good leader does. They see some platitudes on screen and think he’s being presidential and relevant. Dems or Republicans.
He found his way??? Good lord if the man doesn’t face plant everyday it’s considered “Presidential”…My oh my has the bar ever been lower to be President? One day republicans will regret all the crap they pulled because whatever they did, blocking a SC appointment to all the foolishness that Trump pulls opens the door for any democrat to be as callous and willy nilly. Though I will never expect any democrat to be as stupid and vile as Trump and McConnell.
Trump tried to playact on Twitter the omniscient manager overseeing every part of a vast effort
I thought the photographer who shot Donald and Melania standing dumbly in front of a response map, their minds apparently elsewhere while those on either side are seen actively engaged in planning the response, must have a keen sense of irony.
That photo’s since been redacted and replaced after appearing in a number of news stories (including TPM’s) covering Trump’s first visit.
Do have to wonder how long Kelly will put up with playing “Hobson” to Trump’s “Arthur”
at some point Kelly is going to say life is too short to continue trying to help this imbecile who refuses to even help himself … other than to continually corruptly help himself to the spoils of the position.
that’s how AP rolls
The “Rest of Remaining Staff” part of the title did put a huge smile on my face, however.
Oh, good point about needing $ for attorneys. It read as quite odd he would need the extra pay, you’d think Cheeto would compensate him with a free condo, or bonus from private money…why wouldn’t Trump? Is a gold plating loo owner really that cheap…or is Schiller seeing the iceberg ahead of the Titanic?
Trump did find his footing during the response to Harvey.
He’s the Virgil Starkwell of presidents.
Threatening Senators, the press, and foreign leaders with a gub.
Kelly should resign and state that Trump is unfit.
It was the biggest hurricane, the best. And people are talking about it, bigly. And it happened on his watch.
That would certainly raise some eyebrows about why the GOP is doing nothing about him.
Kelly should resign and state that Trump is unfit.
suspect that Kelly will not make that kind of move until he has carefully assessed everything & is certain that it will achieve the intended objective
I think most people believe that locals are doing the heavy lifting and the federal gov’t is just providing some backfill and the promise of money post-storm.
Tell that to the Coast Guard.
Wondering how soon he starts knocking Pence around, after Pence has gotten fawning coverage for seeming so presidential. A president can’t “fire” a vice president. I imagine that when it (turning on Pence) kicks in the dominance games will be particularly humiliating.
Unfortunately, Kelly is too much of a professional to ever say that - now, at least. If he leaves, he will just go quietly. Hey, Sheriff Joe is free - why not Chief of Staff?