I thought Josh was trolling us - but I guess they’re sticking with it.
Whenever Trump talks of “radicals” or “only looking toward 2020” or any other such labels, he is really talking about himself. Hello king of projection.
Kevin Powell
seal Beach- we rid ourselves of Rohrbacher ! Yippie !!!
I’m hoping the absence of ads will end the bad gateways.
My biggest wish is that they’d fix the crazy way replies are displayed.
He puts them forward, he walks them back. He puts them forward, he walks them back. It’s just what the old senile MFer does.
I will and I know we will. And O what a day that will be!
I wouldn’t hold my breath.
Seems it must have been everyone, since comments on the couple articles I’ve looked at just started a few minutes ago.
Yep, because if we give in this time, he’ll shut down the government because he has a sad.
You took the words out of my mouth. I’ve been waiting all morning and now you beat me to it. But good on you. A terrorist is what he is. Destructive prick is laying waste to this country.
Yeah that’s what I thought. I had a brief nightmarish thought that only I was locked out and everybody else was here as usual but I knew that was silly. hahahaha But I did wonder if everyone was affected. It seemed like it to me and I think so, too.
Hey, Donald! We’ll give you a wall EXACTLY LIKE THE ONE IN SAN ANTONIO!!!
That was my first read
I suspect it will have no effect on that, as the comment system is actually a separate component that we get sent off to when we click on a “comments” button and the ads are all displayed on the main site. The problem is that, although the technology to automatically add capacity to a website has existed for a while (and works like a charm if you know how to set it up) they don’t seem to have mastered it at the comments subsystem level.
Does Drumpf actually practice his gangster and Mussolini poses in front of a mirror?
Democrats fail to capitulate in the face of domestic terrorism. That should be the headline. Republicans in general, and Trump in particular, are not accustomed to Democrats offering resistance to being pushed around. Of course, the whole situation is very different after the mid-terms, and with Democrats having the high-ground and a seat at the table.
Sometimes I sure think so. He has the Mussolini chin-jut down perfectly.
A discouraging WaPo reaction to this: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/make-a-deal-to-help-the-real-people-behind-the-rhetoric/2019/01/19/f5b18866-1c17-11e9-88fe-f9f77a3bcb6c_story.html
And the puffy-faced pout. Don’t forget the pout.
The repugs have been shutting down the gov’t as hostage-taking since Gingrinch had a hissy fit back in the 90’s. Its always the repugs trying to force getting their own way.
It might be worth considering if it actually did “save the dreamers.” At the moment, it is all held up in the courts, and seems as if it will remain that way until after 2020. Trump isn’t offering anything but smoke. Shame on the Washington Post for falling for the scam.