Trump questioned whether it was “highly illegal” for the Senate Intelligence Committee’s vice chairman to know information about Mueller’s investigation into the Trump campaign and Russian meddling that others don’t.
But it’s OK to have information released to only the Republicans on the House Judiciary committee. Trump is an embarrassment, if he could put 2 thoughts together he might be able to see that he continuously points out his own hypocrisy. The GOOD NEWS for us is he rarely has 1 thought, let alone 2.
Fuck him if he can’t take a joke. Amirite?
Mark Warner is ranking member of the Senate Committee investigating you, Russian Donnie, he knows lots of stuff that you don’t want Americans to know - isn’t it about time you resign to spend more time with your play girls down at the golf course?
Right. Der Mankindertweetenfuhrer was evidently born without a sense of humor.
Shut the fuck up, Donnie. You are out of your element.
That sound behind you, Donnie? Those are Mueller’s footsteps – and he’s coming to get you!
He gets briefings most people don’t get, dipshit. You don’t get the same briefings exactly because it’s you they’re investigating. Just how it works. Simple really.
Democrats have a proclivity for stepping all over their message and providing their opposition fodder for muddying and distancing the conversation from issues the GOP is weak at addressing. Hillary’s “deplorables” remark is a good example. They all know Trump’s MO. Many are career politicians with multiple election cycles and campaigns in their past. Yet they are incapable of exercising discretion and introspection, of examining in the moment the effect and fallout of what they utter. Undoubtedly here and there a few candidates will display sufficient stupidity in public settings to scuttle the midterms and the 2020 Prez race. It’s what they do.
Trump wins again.
We are talking about his stupid tweet over a stupid joke told at dinner where alcohol was served instead of any one of a number of really important issues.
Hello the stock market is in a tailspin as a result of Trump’s trade war. If this trade war continues we will be in a full blown recession before fall.
No matter the precise nature of Trump’s Twitter folly last night, Warner’s little “joke” was irresponsible.
Blame the victim much? We are talking about this only because our “news media” has decided this fucking tweet is “newsworthy.” Clue, this tweet isn’t newsworthy. Reporting Trump’s bathroom tweets is just an excuse for not doing journalism. Trump count’s on the media herd acting like a herd.
Hopefully, the past month’s crazy talk is just the storm before the calm. It will be refreshing when his words don’t matter any more - even though the only reason they matter now is because of the position he illegally holds and illegally profits from. Is that being investigated? Oh, yeah.
Well, Warner’s offhand statement was enough to send Tweeto to the tweet barricades. Tick tock, buddy. All I know is I’m rooting for Warren against McMaster in the run off today for SC -R candidate for gov. tRump was in SC last night touting McMaster for the slot, I hope he sinks him with his Midas touch.
By the way, I am looking for a good year for the Dems in SC with a pick up of at least one or two seats in the house (Geren and Cunningham).
Um, are not Trump’s methods for misdirecting the public’s attention there for Democrats to observe and take into account when they decide to run off at the mouth? If you step on a rake in the yard and the handle flips up and smacks you in the face you can blame the last person that used the rake and failed to put it up. Or…you can be aware people are lazy and watch where the hell you’re walking. Maybe Warner should have watched where he trod, knowing there might be a Trump, er, rake laying in wait to smack him upside the head.
If you have infinite time I guess you are right. We might also insist on examining the product of his morning crap closely to observe his general health. I don’t have infinite time. Trump is stealing our time with this and similar tweets.
Trump reserves unto himself behavior which he condemns (or merely falsely alleges) in others. He is a pig.
Think of Trump’s tweets as a campfire. While he’s foraging around for logs to toss on it is there really any good reason for Democrats to show up with a few bundles of lumber to help his efforts?
I for one enjoyed hearing about Warner’s comments and hope they werent just a “bad joke.” I also enjoyed trump’s response—suggests he’s pretty anxious!