Discussion: Trump Labels Focus On Russian Election Interference A 'Political Witch Hunt'

You have a stronger stomach than I.

At least you’re funny on purpose.


“I am asking the chairs of the House and Senate committees to investigate top secret intelligence shared with NBC prior to me seeing it.”

Well, to be fair, it was available to him but he decided to skip the briefings cause he’s more intelligencer than the intelligencely agencies.

“Trump also criticized the Democratic National Committee for reportedly not letting the FBI examine the organization’s email servers—a claim the party denies…”
What happened was;
A sysadmin at the DNC got a SINGLE phone call from a guy who CLAIMED he was from the FBI and wanted remote access to the systems.
He, CORRECTLY ignored him as the US requires either a properly served “National Security Letter” or a properly served “Subpoena” to grant access private systems.
We have been trained (as sysadmins) that ONLY under direct documented instructions from the company lawyers are we to allow any remote access and even then we must monitor everything they do (with the exception of entities that have signed NDAs and support contracts with our company, and even then we must manage the access directly in real-time.)
This entire line of BULLSHIT from Trump is typical; Take something completely out of context that was spewed on some Fascists-Drooling-Right-Winger web site and RUN WITH IT (because our MSM is fucking WORTHLESS and too lazy and cowardly to check ANYTHING before publishing it.)


Well, also back to the fact that the man has a serious mental disorder that quite literally determines–in the scientific and philosophical usage of the word–all of his perceptions and responses to stimuli. Back last summer, when I thought we were still a democracy and he was going to go down in humiliating defeat, I observed that if I was wrong and he won, his NPD was inevitable going to devolve into out right megalomania. Paranoia goes with it. And, from that, some kind of Constitutional crisis inevitably follows.


It is called “Psychopathic Narcissism”.
It is a well documented personality disorder and Trump is the walking Poster Child for it.


Benjamin. Post Office. Not hard. (LOL)

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I think that one lost out during the bitter wrangling over the classification of personality disorders in the DSM-V (and man, it appears to have been more tense than a combined faculty meeting, Democratic caucus and a dinner party to which ex-spouses were both invited). But I just noticed this from the Wikipedia entry:

The formulation of narcissistic personality disorder in the American Psychiatric Association’s (APA) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition, Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR) was criticised for failing to describe the range and complexity of the disorder. Critics said it focuses overly on “the narcissistic individual’s external, symptomatic, or social interpersonal patterns—at the expense of … internal complexity and individual suffering,” which they argued reduced its clinical utility.[26]

The Personality and Personality Disorders Work Group originally proposed the elimination of NPD as a distinct disorder in DSM-5 as part of a major revamping of the diagnostic criteria for personality disorders,[27][28] replacing a categorical with a dimensional approach based on the severity of dysfunctional personality trait domains. Some clinicians objected to this, characterizing the new diagnostic system as an “unwieldy conglomeration of disparate models that cannot happily coexist” and may have limited usefulness in clinical practice.[29] The general move towards a dimensional (personality trait-based) view of the Personality Disorders has been maintained despite the reintroduction of NPD.

Don’t know if they knew Trump was running or whether we just got lucky, but imagine trying to get people to grasp how ill he was if we were trying to explain him in terms of a “dimensional approach based on the severity of personality trait domains.”

Looks like no one asked for my advice. Apparently, the revelations about the sheer scale of Russia’s trolling and social media agitprop campaign jarred the Powers that Be into banning him. I still think it was safer to just bell him with taunting replies and leave him in place. Now we’ll have to spend weeks treating his replacement as if he might be a good-faith real commenter.

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Hover over the tweet and take a look at the link address.




Oh Yeah.
NOBODY is more viciously protective of their “tribes” ideas than Psychiatrists/Psychologists…
They have a looooonnnngggg history of pillorying their “detractors” in the most tribal ways imaginable.
If you thought Physicists were bad, you ain’t seen nothing yet.
and don’t get me started on Economists. wow.

And, once again I am annoyed by my inability to find usable links to either a clip or images of the Bugs Bunny with the “bats in the belfry,” “screw ball,” “leaky faucet,” “cracked pot” series of signs.

It would be hard to tell if he was the substance above the rim or below the rim…

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I’m imagining a sort of “Tell Tale Heart” scenario, where like you said every leak will throw him off the rails. Maybe throw in a James Cagney’s Captain Morton from Mister Roberts.


Spoiler alert: The movie version of this story ends with the discovery that Trump is not a U.S. citizen.

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If I may play grammar cop, an original witch hunt used torture to extract confessions of witchcraft from one person. After that, more torture extracted the naming of other – innocent – persons as witches.

In the HUAC era we threatened people with job loss if they did not name colleagues as commies.
Those were witch hunts, merely minus the feet to the fire.

Today, nearly any investigation, legit or not, gets labelled as a witch hunt such that the term has lost its original referent.

Several senators, walked to the White House, told Nixon to resign.
He was sane enough to resign.
Who does that in the current scenario?

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It’s really like the nation elected the mad Czar, or a Caligula, to our highest office. I agree that as he becomes increasingly erratic and insane in his conduct of the office – and I haven’t the slightest doubt that that’s what were going to see almost from day one – there will be attempts to bring him down. Already his use of tweets to announce policy moves, ordering investigations into who leaked what, even before the son of the bitch has taken office and has the power to do so, reflect a madness that bodes nothing but ill for the Republic.

If we’re lucky, we will have a et tu Brute? moment in the House and Senate, not with knives but with a bill of impeachment in the House and a Senate Trial cutting this cancer out of the body politic. It can’t happen fast enough for me.

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Have sh*t, need fan.

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