I would rather bring Palin up from the minors than see this fuckwad one more time.
Please tell me why I should give two shits about what this little weasel has to say about anything. Seriously!
When is this cretin signing up “to fight them over there so we don’t have to fight them over here”?
Trump Jr. Tells London To ‘Do Something A Lot More Proactive’ About Terrorism
Yes sir, Mr. Twerp, we’ll get right on it.
Another conservative using the latest tragedy for political gain / demagoguery.
They are. The major papers have called for the invitation to your father to visit be withdrawn. As has the Mayor of London, the heads of the Labour and LibDems and many Conservative MPs.
Deal Lord, please leave this useless fuckwit completely penniless and crying in pain when it’s all over.
Holy crap…the elephant killer weighs in on ‘patriotism’. Could this week GET any worse?
I wish that elephant had been more proactive.
“Maybe he should do something to fix the problem…”
Like what? They’re as hopeless/helpless as the the old man.
I heard they can play 3rd base - it was where they were born.
Hope you don’t mind the addition.
STFU. you are not helping.
My proactive suggestion to London: kidnap Junior, infect him with ebola, and drop him on an ISIS camp.
Kinda extreme, but Trumpp likes that. Very Duterte-ish.
This has been your daily
“Oh for fucks sake” moment
We will now move on to Trump inspired WTF moments
I’d let him come, but restrict his tour to Skegness.
It states: ‘Once thought of as quaint seaside town in northern England, Skegness is now a pile of dirt bordering the North Sea with a run-down amusement park idly resting on the land.’
Known for its caravan sites and sandy beach, Skegness surprisingly features alongside Kiev in Ukraine, Mogadishu in Somalia, Dhaka in Bangladesh and Ciudad Juarez in Mexico, places where either kidnap, imprisonment or murder is rife, as the worst places to visit.
Hey kids, you can’t look any worse in prison stripes than you do already! Give it a try!
Of all Trump’s crimes against humanity, launching the political star of Don Jr. is one of the most disgusting. He’s The Asshole Boyfriend From An 80’s Movie. I can see Trump’s voters finding amusement in his arsonist tactics, but this schlemiel?!