Discussion: Trump Jr. Says 'Gas Chamber' Crack Was 'Poor Choice Of Words, Perhaps' (VIDEO)


They have to throw that wink out to the neo nazis even when they are offering up a faux walk back. Its instinctual.


I was talking about if you’re a conservative, it’s essentially capital punishment."

He should give up examples…

He went on to say “half of my best men in my wedding and the bridesmaids of my wedding were Jewish”


"I say something, rather than the media asking me about it

Reporter: “Why did you retweet that deplorables photoshop on your Twitter page?”

rather than saying, ‘hey, Don, were you talking about the Holocaust,’ they jump, oh, my God, you were talking about the Holocaust."

what were you talking about then, Donnie?

A weasling liar like his father. He was absolutely making a joke out of the Holocaust. You don’t “warm up” a gas chamber; they are just rooms. What you DO “warm up” is a crematorium. Donny is obviously conflating gas chambers with Nazi cremation ovens. I suggest it’s about time for the boy to have his first visit to a Holocaust Museum, because then he would never even think to make a joke out of such evil and misery. What an empty suit he is.


And the ocean is damp.


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And this is how it goes on the march to the last election. Throw a codeword to the Alt-Right, reap the benefit, say words to the press that they can interpret as a walkback because otherwise they might have to say disproportionately bad things about Trump, rience, repeat.


Yes, Jr. please enlighten us on other instances in history when they needed to “warm up the gas chambers”.

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Don’t feel bad, Junior. It’s a genetic thing.

The more we see of these spawn, the more they’re obviously the kind of rich fucks a lot of us went to college with. Condemning them only draws a nasty smirk, and the smirk says, “I literally do not care what you think of me. You’ll have to scrabble for pennies all your life. I will always live in nicer places than you, travel to more exclusive resorts, eat better food and drink better liquor and sleep with more attractive people. Condemn away, pathetic loser.” And they’ll mean it. This is not true of all wealthy people, but it’s fundamental to rich fuckism. You’re a better, more deserving person and being rich proves it. Trump père is mentally ill, and a unique case. But the kids, we’ve seen their type. The more the country sees, the less it may like them.


You’re giving Jr. too much credit, as if he could carefully craft a dog whistle message to jew-haters. In this same interview he used the made-up word “indiscrepancy.” When I saw the TPM headline saying “gas chambers,” I thought, “hoo boy, what is it this time?” But then I read the quote, “If Republicans were doing that, they’d be warming up the gas chamber right now.” “Gas chamber,” singular, not plural. I read it and thought he’s talking about U.S. gas chambers used for execution, not Holocaust gas chambers. It also makes more sense, suggesting conservatism is a capital crime in the eyes of the media. He’s full of shit but that would be consistent with their mindset.

And maybe you don’t “warm up” a gas chamber, so what? It’s a figure of speech, people talk about “warming up” all kinds of things, meaning preparing them for use.

Misquoting him by using the plural just plays into their argument that the media is out to get them. But please, there is so much real, outrageous stuff coming out of the Trump campaign and other sources, lets dispense with obsessing over every malapropism and poor choice of words.

Oh yeah…the fact that this little ‘throwaway’ line is in your vocabulary speaks volumes Donnie Jr.

It was a good choice of words because it got him back in front of the cameras. Good attention or bad attention is still attention.

Trump, Jr. seems not to realize that if it weren’t for a compliant media, the words “Donald Trump” likely wouldn’t appear in the news at all today. Anywhere.

You were in the gas chambers, you had your possessions and bank accounts looted, you had to leave your country…what do you have to lose??

Vote for my dad and I guarantee the next day will be Paradise.

That’s like saying "Joseph Mengele was a bad person, perhaps."

Bullshit, it was a poor choice of thoughts! Poor choice of beliefs! Poor choice of world view! The kid lives in the most durable, upside down fantasy bubble ever created. Makes me wonder what color the sky is over there.

Back in the real world, every time Hillary Clinton clears her throat, she’s subject to an army of televised, armchair diagnosticians with medical degrees and without.

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Junior has some very nice business cards–the best engraving on the finest card stock.

It’s his signature accomplishment.

Grateful he didn’t show us proof he was circumcised

@mattinpa At a fairly young age trump’s children were witness to the humiliation their father heaped on their mother as he made plans to divorce her. Making headlines about having had the best sex of his life, their mother having confrontations with The Other Woman in public places, being at least minimally aware that he physically assaulted her and they would certainly have heard the arguing going on between them. Yet they’re at his side, getting in on the trump money, and that is perhaps why they can overlook what would drive normal children into an estranged relationship with their father. To me, this makes them as amoral as their father.


He may well just have been talking about the painful form of capital punishment that was the gas chamber. But as soon as he starts up with the “some of my best friends are jewish” schtick (ahem) he betrays his underlying nativism.

Yes, he should have said “ovens” so there would be no ambiguity about what he meant.