Discussion: Trump Issues Maximal Demands for DACA Deal

She became a permanent resident of the United States in 2001, and obtained U.S. citizenship in 2006.



Trump, the GOP and the people who voted for him and still support him. All of them are fine white Christian assholes.

Do not lump me in with those who bash the Democrats because I do not do so.
My first comment originates in the fact that the only reason we are having this discussion about Trump changing his mind on the dreamers is because after the ONE and only time he worked with Schumer and Pelosi on the extension and Harvey relief, he then floated the possibility of a dreamers bill and that became the narrative seconded by them.
I do not blame them for this, but acting as if this might happen when the man just killed the legislation in place brings us here.

Edited to add
We would be better served here in the comments section of TPM when there is room for allies and supporters to question those in power we agree with.
Over the last few months, I’ve noticed that those voices participate less and less and we are slammed the moment we go off script.
That leaves what can feel like a chorus where all comments are alike.


What about her anchor baby, Barron?

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He’s issued a proposal with the help of the extreme right wingers who encourage him to do so. Nothing’s been said or done on that proposal. Until they get into negotiations, and I believe there’s a deadline of March on DACA, I’d like to see us support our party and lose the prevailing sense of pessimism every time the mormon opens his mouth.


OK, I agree.

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The republiCONz are on a suicide mission for 2018. They are going to get absolutely hammered, and most of them will be indicted in the treason anyway, so they are just playing it up before the audition for the orange jumpsuits.

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                Trump Issues Maximal Demands


                          GO - FISH !

Ha ha hhahhahahahah




Yeah I agree. I get so tired of typing the full cast of ill willed, complicit players that I leave them off.

I did just now edit my post above to add all the members of this tragic clown brigade.


The hostage list so far:

ACA sabotage: the sicker, older, less well off.
CHIP expiration: children. Children.
DACA blackmail: young people who know no other home.

And that’s just those whose lives are being directly, immediately harmed by these monsters’ policies. Millions of Americans, and it’s only the first year of complete GOP control. Who are their next hostages? Whose lives are the next to be considered expendable in their unfathomably inhuman fixation on power and “winning” and their donors’ bottomless greed? Time to get everyone as disgusted and worried about that as we are.


Anybody who trusts a trump deal is a damned fool or worse.


I hope Schumer and Pelosi tell him to take his wall and shove it… sideways…

Sorry dreamers, I am holding out hope that Herr Dotard will be gone in six months. Comeon Mueller!


This has the strong scent of something stinky that Stephen Miller squatted and left fresh on the living room carpet.


Typically, the party in power does things to cement reelection or diminish social unrest. This is how United Russia operates, and that should become even more apparent as Putin moves into his fourth-term election cycle. Here in the US, however, we have a national party pushing policies that hurt their reelection chances, promote social unrest and harm the economy. What’s going on?


Lead story on the BBC’s front page:


Josh put it in a nutshell–Trump threatens to break things and makes demands in return for not breaking them. But he hasn’t thought ahead far enough to imagine the sorrow, disgust, and rage the entire world would feel as all those young people were thrown out of the only country they’ve ever known. The GOP rank and file doesn’t want to see it, and I’d guess the pols want to see it even less. And everyone but Trump knows that. Here’s your master deal-maker, GOP voters. Hope you’re happy.


“These priorities are essential to mitigate the legal and economic consequences of any grants or status to DACA recipients,” White House legislative affairs director Marc Short told reporters.

Welcome to Nazi Germany.


People getting mad at the dems when they are not in power to do anything they made their positions known and haven’t wavered so exactly what else do you want them to do


I hope you’re right, but I’m not as sure as you seem to be about 2018. It was only a year ago that a number of us on this board were anticipating not only a Clinton victory, but a takeover of the Senate - and, just possibly, as an outside chance - the takeover of the House. None of that happened. Yes, I know - Russians, Comey, etc., etc., etc. The fact remains, Dems need to recover a lot of ground next year. Given that the RNC - an incredible truth to fathom for anyone with a shred of sanity remaining intact - is raising more small donations than the DNC right now, I’m not real encouraged about the chances of that happening.