Discussion: Trump Issues Maximal Demands for DACA Deal

Indeed, he is the physical embodiment of the illness within their party.


This cannot be said enough times.


This has more to do with Trump’s falling approval numbers with Republicans, his frustration with Kelly, and spending time with Stephen Miller. He appreciated the bump he got when he floated working with Dems, but intuitively he knows his entire presidency must be about fluffing the base.


I disagree about fluffing the base.

What you see is who he is.


This is how negotiations start. I wonder if Democrats will continue to be confused by this, or will capitulate early.

It really is a challenge to self-regulate these days, and I have not even borne the brunt of the mess on a personal level. Some people have it much worse.


I think the frame work for this is borne within the sources you mention, but the timing and releasing it this late on a Sunday evening comes directly from today’s exchanges where Corker one upped him.


Want to help America? Take the wall money and use it for research and programs to address the opioid epidemic.

It is likely that the total number of drug overdose deaths in the US in 2017 to date has, or will in a few weeks, exceeded the total number of US combat deaths in the Vietnam War – the entire war.

Guns are a huge problem, with 30,000-plus deaths each year in the US, but overdoses are now killing twice as many people per year. The numbers are insane – equal to three Las Vegas shootings every single day.

We are way beyond the point where a meaningful response consists of more treatment programs, more education, and more money for interdiction efforts.

We need to treat this as a national priority, to throw a lot more intellectual capital at the problem, and to create a multipronged, multidisciplinary response.

Democrats should take the lead on this, but show a true desire to work with anyone who wants to help.


Trump has no leverage here. He’s responsible for the fate of the DACA recipients because he unilaterally is ending a program that he doesn’t have to end. Sessions will manipulate Trump to launch a mass deportation of DACA recipients. No one will blame Dems if Trump goes through with a mass deportation. It will be all on Trump.


Great article in the New Orleans paper today. A pharmacist went after a pill mill.



If Dems haven’t learned that he always folds, they’ve learned nothing. There are a handful of Republican senators who are against the Sessions/Trump hard line on immigration; that means no Republican-only legislation. McConnell would need to go after Tester, Heitkamp, Manchin, and/or Donnelly, but none is guaranteed and that eats up more time needed for tax “reform”.

As the frustration builds, Trump will naturally look to sell out his business partners.


It hasn’t made the diagnostic manual yet, but we’re all experiencing PTSD–Persistent Trump Stress Disorder


“The administration can’t be serious about compromise or helping the Dreamers if they begin with a list that is anathema to the Dreamers, to the immigrant community and to the vast majority of Americans,” Senator Chuck Schumer of New York and Representative Nancy Pelosi of California, the Democratic leaders in the Senate and the House, said in a joint statement.


The image of him is just perfect. He’s smiling for the first time in months because of the prospect of hurting people.


What makes you think that Pelosi and Schumer don’t understand the reality of Trump. I suspect they see it all much closer up than you or I do.

This is not the fault of the Democrats in Congress, who are doing the best they can with the lousy hand they were dealt by the failure of our side to support our party at the ballot box.

Can we declare a moratorium on blaming Democrats for everything?


I am not blaming Democrats nor do I do that as a norm.


Terrific story, but depressing. I’m always amazed, when reading stories about pill mills and Medicare ripoff clinics (I recall a California clinic that would send buses to collect elderly Vietnamese immigrants, much like a casino), how blatant the fraud has to be and how long it can remain in operation before authorities can close it down for good. With data analytics and, most importantly, a high priority from all levels of government and the professional organizations in healthcare, we can stop the frauds while they are small.


Pelosi and Schumer know full well the reality of the fuckingmoron in the WH. They buffaloed him a few weeks ago much to the anger and surprise of the Rs.

BTW in this instance you are blaming Democrats for the sin of being in the minority.

@williamv Agree with you. I’ve really heard enough from quislings.


Periodically you and I go through these exchanges where any comment I make that is not laudatory and praising of Democrats is considered an attack and blame on them.
OK, I am going to say you are both right and this is what I was doing. I am good with that.

Don’t expect praise but I do want the bashing of our party’s leaders and lack of faith in their ability to govern as minority to stop by the few here who do it regularly. Eating our own accomplishes nothing.