Discussion: Trump Is Tremendously Shaky On The Specifics Of His Plan To Ban Muslims

Just ask Jeb! He said he could tell if you were a Muslim or a Christian!

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That has the added advantage of excluding those nasty Jews, as well.

Trump isn’t laying out plans, he’s instructing his followers. They have proven to be very fervent and Trump is now speaking directly to them through the media. As Trump dominates his TV opponents, his followers get the signal that his way is working, that people don’t have a proper push-back against him. Trump could care less about the details of how a ban would work. His objective here is to instruct his followers that it is ok to hate Muslims and to repel them from sight. How they do that is not his concern.

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He’s shaky on specifics? That’s surprising. Said no-one anywhere.

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They wouldn’t be wearing hijabs.

They would look the role of what Trump (and some Americans) consider to be Christian refugees. It’s at that point that his plan would become interesting.

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How, for instance, would customs officials identify people as Muslim? Just ask them, Trump said.

This from the guy and his supporters who don’t think the 2 year refugee background check is thorough enough.


I think Rachael Maddow is correct-he doesn’t want to do this any more and is looking for a way out!

Tattoos are good too.

This time they will be barcodes.

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Yeah it’s called “talking out your ass”. This seems to be a common trait of the 16’ gop field. And to think we have 11 months of this shit…oe vay

Yup, hence all the support because “he says whatever he wants, screw political correctness,” as if having a strong and odious opinion makes up for it being total BS.

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I’ve certainly wondered. It would be pretty awesome to see him bring the entire party down while he’s flailing around looking for the exit, but nobody who has any control of these things loves me that much.

How, for instance, would customs officials identify people as Muslim?

Wait, wouldn’t they already have the little symbol sewn onto their coats? That’s just a management problem and The Donald would solve it SO HARD you wouldn’t even believe.

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I wonder if the Donald is just playing with everyone and not really interested in actually
winning; he’s just seeing how far he can take this nonsense;
he probably goes to bed every night thinking “I can’t believe they’re buying this stuff; how
stupid are they”

Well, sure, he’s always had a visceral connection to the lunkhead slob demographic, it’s his basic nature himself. Part of Howard Stern’s appeal was that he validated the views of the lunkheads in his audience, said “Go ahead, be a slob, it’s OK, you’re not a tactless boor, you’re ‘just being honest,’” all that. Trump is that for politics. And so was Hitler. The comparison is not inapt and the situation isn’t funny.

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Trump: "I know people. We’ll bring in the best people. It’s all administration and organization. I’ll be the best at it…believe me." ~wash-rinse-repeat~

You have to feast on The Onion piece … It’s a short classic:

The same way JEB! can determine that someone is Christian. You just can -

The sad thing is that Trump is really speaking in public about what the GOP only speaks about behind closed doors! Lets not mask the fact that Republicans bred and borne this fascist neo-Nazi monster…

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Trump: “We only need a photo ID to sort em’ out! …uhh…I’ll get back to you.”


Trump…“ID badges…hmmm…we’ll work on that.”



ONCe again TPM miSTAKEs "SHAKINEss FOR “LEaderSHIP.” -TRUMP2016!!!11!one!1!!!


Why spend a minute, or even a second, discussing his “plan?”