And… the downward spiral continues.
Hey, wait’ll folks hear about Pootie’s plans to cut all our uniformed military and reduce spending on planes, ships, etc. We’ll be spreading flowers in the Red Army’s path when they march into Washington.
I…you…how the hell…the FUCK…OH YOUR GOD.
OK, calm down…deep breath. Whoooosh.
What would FOX News and Brietbart and the preening Republicans in Congress have said if OBAMA had said that?
on November 8th, 2016, there was a presidential election with serious stakes attached to it. Now one would think that experience would matter, but…
Really letting his inner apparatchik express itself.
There’s no real reason for them to go back. So I greatly appreciate the fact that they’ve been able to cut our payroll for the United States. We’ll save a lot of money.”
But…these people will lose their jobs…
I hope some news agency gets the White House on record as to whether or not this is “just another joke” or is it “serious policy”.
Every day, I find something new to make me wonder more and more, what in the hell is going on with my country.
Jus waiting on ‘Batman n Robin’s’ (McCain n Graham) response to this.
Jus waiting on them
Oh, yes, Donnie, that makes perfect sense!
Words fail me.
My question is, is there any more evidence we need for a national consensus, if not our national leadership to openly declare that Trump is a de facto Russian agent, if not an out-and-out Russian agent?
The man is clearly a traitor. He just hasn’t formally turned over control of the U.S. to a foreign power.
Well Vinnie, from here it looks troubling and disheartening. They’re asking for a replay…
Of Munich.
That stupid motherfucker is giving stupid motherfuckers a bad name.
While I knew that this would be the reaction among the slash n burn Tillerson crew who would see this as right in line with their cost cutting, I never imagined DT would say it out loud. But then at this point he really doesn’t care does he?
He doesn’t seem to understand the concept of “re-assignment.”
Reporter: “Mr. President, do you have any response to Kim Jung-un’s decision to launch the nuclear missile that obliterated Guam and killed countless civilians and 7,000 U.S. military personnel stationed there?”
Chiselin’ Trump: “No, I want to thank him, because we’re trying to cut down on payroll, and as far as I’m concerned, I’m very thankful that he let go of a large number of people because now we have a smaller payroll.”
Oh, and becoming a client state of Russia will likely also allow us to cut our payroll. In fact, calling it quits as a nation would probably save a lot of money.
Andrew Borowitz and the Onion are going to go bust soon if this keeps up.