Discussion: Trump Ignores Charlottesville In Early-Morning Tweets

And here is the real clincher…condemning white supremacists and nazi’s ranks right up there with being in favor of mom and apple pie as the easiest things a politician can do.

But its beyond the tiny capabilities of this poor excuse for a human being.


You forget, you’re not the target audience for their comments.

Their target audience believes that Sandy Hook was a made-up plot by the Government to take away their guns.

So, yeah, defending him will be easy. Heck, by the time they’re done, Ms. Heyer will have thrown herself into rush-hour traffic where a poor young man couldn’t brake in time.


we wish that was hyperbole…


So true. For that very reason millions will flock to the polls in 2020 to reelect him. Trump is a reflection of those that put him in office. When he stood at rallies and exhorted followers to violence they cheered wildly at the prospect of being unleashed. Unleashed to commence an ass whipping on everyone black and brown and non-Christian, on gays and teachers and union workers and immigrants. We can be angry with Trump, but really all he did was open the door into the demented madhouse that is the United States, letting everyone into the living room of the insane.

Events like this bring out all the “We’re better than this, this is not who we are” affirmations of our basic goodness and grace. We’re not. Charlottesville is who we are. It’s too painful to admit, so we pretend otherwise.

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Yeah, but that “target audience” is, like Trump, now anchored with a bunch of murderous and disgusting racists and Nazis that have shocked the majority of the American public and are despised with a passion. The media trick of calling them the “poor oppressed white working class” doesn’t cut it anymore. If they try to defend this racism and bigotry, they can’t get away with it anymore. Maybe it works on FoxNews and Breitbart and InfoWars, but those places are going to pay the price. Even now in the era of Trump, Americans do not like people who try to defend Nazis and Klansmen.
And they sure as hell can’t call it “fake news”, either. “Fake news” doesn’t leave fatalities.


Maxine Waters
Trump has made it clear - w/ Bannon & Gorka in the WH, & the Klan in the streets, it is now the White Supremacists’ House. #Charlottesviille


How hard is it to say, “I really hate fucking Nazis.”?
Really, how hard is it?


Went to my mother’s 88th birthday dinner last night. A few of the relatives in attendance have been big 45 supporters. At every past family gathering, they have annoyingly praised the Great Cheeto. Last night, not one of them even mentioned the motherfucker. It’s as if he doesn’t exist. Anecdotal, I know, but I think the tide has turned on 45 except among the deplorable base.


Alex Jones will have to go on an extended rant about how the car plowing into the crowd was faked, no one died or was hurt, it’s a government black op designed to demonize white people standing up for their heritage. Everyone involved were actors.
Then Trump can visit his show and congratulate him for being a truth teller.


…Again, read up on Sandy Hook and their response to it. Yes, they consider that to be “fake news”, and that none of those kids is dead. Family members have even been harassed by conspiracy theorists trying to provide that they’re lying…

Do you really think one more dead woman is going to stop them? They think they’re the oppressed people.

Logic and Reason are foreign concepts to these people.


Depends if he’s going for the George Washington stance of, “I cannot tell a lie.”

If so, then impossible, for him.


Let’s see you and your flying monkeys and your journalistic miscreants on “Fox and Friends” try to blame this one on the “Democrat Party”, you spineless, worthless POS. I can almost hear it already (in my best Doocy voice): “Well, you know, Brian, it’s an established fact that the Democrat Party created the Ku Klux Klan! And liberals are fascists! Just ask Jonah Goldberg!”


Trump’s failure to condemn Virginia neo-Nazis is shocking but not surprising

The president’s refusal to properly condemn the attack in Charlottesville is consistent with past comments and a divisive campaign that stoked hatred
Trump's failure to condemn Virginia neo-Nazis is shocking but not surprising | Donald Trump | The Guardian

Excellent read.


2018 election Republican Party national slogan:
“Run away! Run away!”



It speaks to the size of the sector of the electorate espousing white supremacist views that Trump avoids demonizing them. A political calculus has been done by some in this admninistration, arriving at the conclusion there are enough of them needed to help his election prospects it is worth staying on their good side. That same calculus must also predict keeping Nazis if the GOP fold will not exact a penalty for doing so.
Memories are short. Sandy Hook was going to finally trigger common sense gun regulations. It didn’t. Nor will Charlottesville result in ostracizing white supremacists and Nazis, any more so than they already are.


Ya Don’t be a sucker


His Orangeness is really “yellow.”


The most racist President since Woodrow Wilson.

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Brave Sir Mitch McConnell and Brave Sir Paul Ryan and all their Brave Sir minions in the Congress.