Great. Now he’s threatening the entire country. What a jerk. (The conventions of the site will not allow me to use the more accurate term I would prefer to use).
Night of the Long Knives.
Donald Trump “on the phone” again…I know he needs 3 hours in hair & makeup, but this is getting ridiculous.
All you can do is shake your head. His entire life is a history of mindless antagonism in all directions. He raped his wife and pulled out her hair in a fit of pique. In another fit of pique, he denied medical coverage to a nephew’s child with a chronic medical condition. He sues anyone who disagrees with him. And he is most famous for theatrically firing people. This “gotten along with people” dog won’t hunt, I’m pretty sure of that. Said it before, saying it again—he’s mentally ill. The GOP is rapturously nominating a mentally ill person as its leader.
historians? journalists today already use the term…
you left out “fat”, no offense to large people, but did anyone see the video of a dozen Trump supporters who outweighed twice as many protesters?
Those guys all jiggled when they bellowed.
…every one of them. A Hollywood casting director couldn’t have hired it any better…
I’m still trying to figure out what all these overfed, privileged people are mad about. …has something to do with the past 8 years, but they won’t admit what it really is, their canned complaints about economic recovery just don’t stand up to serious scrutiny.
To be sure, by degrees-- they’ve been doing so for decades.
“I think there’s a natural healing process. Once the battle is over, once the war is over, I think there really is a natural healing process,” Trump said.
Threatening violence is a proven way of hustling along the healing process. In fact, the healing process will probably have bruises on its arm by the end of the convention.
What is hidden between those lines is the obvious truth that he was privileged enough he could choose who he had to get along with. The fact his casino managers had to hide away the black help whenever Trump and one of his wives passed through is proof enough that Trump never had to modify his own behavior to get along with anyone.
On the contrary, there will be national celebrations.
Nice party you’ve got there. It’d be a shame if something bad happened to it. Something else bad, I mean.
I am seeing a lot of steroidal, amped up, shaved headed young white guys at his rallies. That and white women with beautiful coifed white hair and tasteful scarves to hide the wattle. And nerdish young white guys wearing suits and ties. It’s a very diverse crowd. Heh.
Gosh Mister Trump, where will you get the “thugs” for the riots?
everywhere but Cleveland…
Now the only question is, will the Free-Range Bozo Rebellion make its way inland, to protect Der Trumpster from the slings and arrows of the Republican establishment?
If you were Trump, wouldn’t choosing a Texan like Cruz as your running mate have a sort of Kennedy/Johnson edge to it?
Trump may have no choice, if he wants to actually unite his Tea Mob and the Cruz evangelicals, but the thought of such a snaky VP waiting in the wings for his own Presidential reward, and one that was promised by god, by God… well, all I can say is, considering the viper pit of dreamy, desperate dictators surrounding him now that he’s secured a spot at the top of this chaos, The Donald best watch his back, it probably isn’t one of Bernie’s people sneaking up behind him.
“I think we’ll have riots…and they’ll be YOOOOOGE’, but they will only be by the best people and they will be classy.”
"Kennedy/Johnson edge to it.’
A lousy analogy. You know nothing about Johnson.
“I think there’s a natural healing process…”
With a few highly-publicized exceptions, Republicans root and branch will fall in line once they start thinking about who the Dem nominee is going to be.
In other words, Clinton Derangement Syndrome will completely trump (ha ha) the reservations they have about the guy with the orange hair. I think it’s entirely possible that he’ll offer the VP to some Evangelical, and Cruz would be an obvious choice from a strictly political demographic standpoint. The question is whether Cruz would be able to swallow his pride and accept the months-long humiliation he’d experience as Trump’s lackey and errand-boy.
I don’t think you can say that we don’t get it automatically. I think you’d have riots. I think you’d have riots.
I think that qualifies as incitement.
I find this extremely implausible. The RNC is pretty dumb, but not dumb enough to think riots at the convention–much less violent deaths–could ever be made to serve their aims. Trump is being a fascistic bullying asshole, but he’s not naively walking into a trap.
As was noted in the comments here yesterday, Drumpt isn’t using a dog whistle — he’s using a TRAIN WHISTLE!
h/t George_Spiggott
Good God,
And here I thought Nixon was the worst. But at least he wasn’t spray orange. (Ewww)