‘and I had my fingers crossed when I said it’
He wanted to save the $5 mill he wasn’t going to pay anyway.
Another day, another reversal of whatever bullshit he said a few days ago. It’s gotten to the point where he clearly doesn’t know or care about anything he says, as long as all the eyes are on him.
Geez, I am starting to get whiplash from these constant 180s…
Donnie needs to once again keep working on getting on with the campaign over ending the birther conspiracy Hillary started of the recent dodge of the economic word salad of the teleprompter glitch of the trickster King of the muddied stance of the claim of the not lengthy or memorable phone call of the hardening of the softening of the detail dodging of the walk-back of the flip-flop of the sarcasm of the stumble of the tongue of the obfuscation of the abbreviated language of what the loser liberal media poorly covered during the earpiece malfunction of his original, widely documented comments.
So I guess people have to keep asking him if he really believes it.
Well at least his hypocrisy is consistent.
If he wants to get past all that, he should hire you to write his speeches. You’re as confused as he is.
Trump: Arapio will head my Department of Deportation. We will deport the suspected Kenyan born first.
No more conscience than a maggot. No sense of altruism, right and wrong, any of that. Just mindless taking, exploitation, and destruction from which he walks away whistling. For their sheer self-preservation a band of hunter-gatherers in the Pleistocene would have driven him out into the desert to die. We’re not as smart as they were, unfortunately.
You Kellyanne’s mentor??? If so, she’s a pale shadow of the guru…
Flunked English Class ?
Once a birther, always a birther
Better to remain silent and appear to be a fool…
Sorta like the Peter Pan “clap your hands if you believe in fairies.” The more his supporters clap for him the more lies and denials he’ll create.
Entirely predictable. In fact, I did explicitly predict he would return to birtherism. Should I say “appreciate the congrats on being right”?
In other words, “suckerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs…”
Geez, I am starting to get whiplash from these constant 180s.
Trump used to be really confused, but since then he’s done a complete 360.
Nor do his base care. If they are not already concerned by Trumps antics this won’t change their position