Discussion: Trump: 'I Hope' Russia Stole Hillary Clinton's Deleted Emails!

This just in: Trump is nucking futs.


And if the IRS was half as in the tank for Obama as the republicans like to claim, Trump’s tax returns would have found their way to WikiLeaks already.



Don’t remember Donnie uttering a peep back then.


24 hours ago, Trump mocked the idea that Russia was trying to sabotage Hillary Clinton’s campaign on his behalf. and then the next day he turns around and CALLS ON RUSSIA TO DO THAT VERY THING.

It’s a little hard to picture how fucked up this is because it’s Trump, but picture Hillary Clinton openly calling on a foreign power to help her get elected, on camera, deliberately.

What would Trump be doing differently if he was a paid agent of Russia?


The number of reasons that I have for voting against Donald Trump has now reached infinity.

Also, I don’t know how to create graphics but if it doesn’t already exist online

 "Trump" from his campaign's official logo


 I'm With


 a Putin head shot

This is actually good…it seemed like the media was ignoring this, but Trump has been egged on by the Democrats into talking about it, and he won’t shut up until he feels he’s won the argument. The Democrats can drag this out easily, and having Trump appear to be a Putin puppet will damage him with people who aren’t sure about Clinton’s honesty (which is BS, but there). It will hopefully get even worse for Trump when the rumors about tampering are finally solidified…if the messages have been tampered with and that’s proven then the entire thing will be a huge story.


Not a word I like to see thrown around lightly. I’m more than a bit of pedant with my constant citations to Art. III, Sec. 3 of the Constitution and admonitions to be thoughtful when we use that word, because of its long, ugly history as the plaything of tyrants and in the suppression of dissent and political disagreement.

And I’ve always felt that calling something “moral treason” was just a way of dodging the legal part of the argument without addressing the other problems.

But, yeah, when a candidate for the Presidency of the United States says he hopes a hostile foreign power has possession of the personal emails of a former Secretary of State, there really isn’t another word for it. It is, to coin a phrase, disgusting. It is terrifying. And it is moral treason, a willful placing of his own interests above those of his country that extends to the subordination of his country’s interest to those of a foreign power.

It’s inconceivable. As I sit here typing the words, I can’t believe I’m typing them. After all the years we endured right wing extremists shamefully accusing Democratic politicians of being in the pay of the USSR, now, here we are, a Republican presidential candidate openly talking about abandoning NATO allies to Russia, conceding nations that don’t want to be Russian puppet states to a “sphere of influence” that exists only in Putin’s head, who is financially dependent upon them. I can’t believe it’s real.

I mean, for god’s sake, somebody fire the damn screenwriter, because this script is a ridiculous mess. No one’s going to buy it.


“…and he won’t shut up until he feels he’s won the argument.”

Spot on.

THIS is his weakness. He, just like Sarah Palin, won’t let any issue drop because they honestly think they can overcome their opponent somehow. Either with force or with words, doesn’t mater. They believe that they can win the issue even if it means keeping it alive longer than they would want OR if it’s giving their opponents ammunition.


The best…

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petulance: noun: the quality of being childishly sulky or bad-tempered: as in, "a slight degree of petulance had crept into his voice"


I can’t even. I know it’s wrong but that made me spit out my coffee when I figured out what Malaria was.


Just amazing, really. The reason Hillary’s e-mails are such a BIG DEAL, per Trey Gowdy and company, should be that they played loosed with CLASSIFIED INFORMATION, which Trump now blithely ‘wishes’ the RUSSIANS are sitting with? And this makes America great, how?


Trump: (ง︡’-‘︠)ง “Nobody better say nuffin’ bad bout’ Mr. Putin.” (ง︡’-'︠)ง

12/18/2015: Morning Joe:

MIKA BREZEZINSKI: Do you like Vladimir Putin’s comments about you?
DONALD TRUMP: Sure. When people call you brilliant, that’s always good. Especially when the person heads up Russia. Sure.
JOE SCARBOROUGH: Well, I mean, it’s also a person that kills journalists, political opponents, and invades countries. Obviously, that would be a concern, would it not?
TRUMP: He’s running his country, and at least he’s a great leader. You know, unlike what we have in this country.
SCARBOROUGH: But again, he kills journalists that don’t agree with him.
TRUMP: Well, I think our country does plenty of killing also, Joe. So, you know.

(*Obviously, if Putin flattered Donny enough, The Trump Chump would hand over the nuclear codes to him.)


So this is a American presidential candidate hoping an international crime is committed. What a a scum.


And that’s the most frightening thing about this.


Every word of this post should come up twice on this thread. So I am doing it.


He really does want to be Nixon! Way to choose a hero, Cheeto.


I cannot wait to crack Dump’s balls with a sledge hammer this November.


FBI stated that Clinton’s email was never hacked.

And the DNC email server is not Clinton’s personal email server, nor Dep. of State email server.

And he is hoping Russian criminals hack the personal email of American citizens?