Discussion: Trump: I Don't Think We'll Have A Brokered Convention

Yeah. I live in one of those red states. The Republicans here would vote for a used tissue if it had an R by its name.


[I fear that he will run back to the center, and the press will let him shed all his fascist racist talk. He’ll be like “what wall? hey, we have fun sometimes” and the MSM will back down. He’ll peddle himself as a moderate and try to win with low info voters. Totally. Exactly what he will do. The people who support him know that he will do this, but will “know” that he has to do it to win because liberal media argle bargle, so he won’t lose any support from them.]

And it will be so professionally done with slurpy bios and

  • “testimonials” from representatives of every group Trump has insulted

  • words from high-level, focus group-chosen Hollywood-mass culture info-tainment types

  • “up close” depiction of the Donald as deeply “religious” (for Cleetis and Goober)

  • “up close” depiction of the Donald as a “family man” (for “middle America”)

And much more…especially with Citizens United billions, resources, MSM, FOX, Talk Radio and a group of evangelicals who are as disciplined in voting as the British SAS are in special ops

Finally, their ace in the hole:


  • if some go through with their threat to boycott the General or go Third Party

  • if too many still fail to fathom what this election actually means

  • if too many have not actually SEEN with their own eyes political repression (coming with a GOP win) and therefore, sans empathetic capability, simply believe that Trump is a colourful billionaire who likes to joke with Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Fallon


He’s probably right!

Sure, but it’s not as if Trump doesn’t pick up at least a reasonable portion of voters from the dropped-out candidates. Remember, if one is dumb enough to vote for Ben Carson, one is certainly dumb enough to vote for Donald Trump!


Anyone who thinks money is wasted by government should really look at the money wasted in electoral competitions. I can think of better ways to spend money.

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Why not? The guy can act like a Trump when he wants.

BTW, is anyone else a little tired of these entitled ass-hats saying that “Obama care is a disaster” on ANY interview, and NEVER being asked to give reasons and figures to prove their point?


Prediction: BrownShirt thuggery on convention floor and hallways. We’ll see barroom type brawls.
Und you vill luff it.

Amen. Was speaking to this point with a friend earlier today.
Approx $96M wasted on Jeb! this cycle.
Though he proved he really, really didn’t even wanna’ be POTUS.


I don’t think Grayson is going to win, but its way too early to have anything to back that up besides all the state Democrats are behind Murphy.

Burr has a pretty solid lead in early polling in NC. I don’t really see him losing his seat, no matter what happens with turn out.