Was he talking about slavery or the number of cars on the highway?
I think it’s one of those “accurate but not true” sorts of things. Freetheslaves.net notes that “there are more people in slavery today than ever before” but also that “slavery represents the smallest percentage of the world’s population than at any other time in history.”
That said, I’m also not convinced that the numbers from present day to the past are being accurately compared apples for apples.
Saying that problems are the worst they’ve ever been in the history of the world is not going to get you your fucking wall. STFU, asshole.
There’s a temporary suspension of all Fuck usage caps.
12.5 million Africans were shipped to the New World. 10.7 million survived the dreaded Middle Passage, disembarking in North America, the Caribbean and South America. 388,000 ended up in America. Most went to Brazil, the Spanish Empire, and the British and French West Indies.
Is it just me who wonders if he even understands what Human Trafficking means?
No, Don, it doesn’t refer to people crossing the border - ala humans creating traffic.
Watch for the crazy fourchan folks pushing the Trump is saving the children of the world crap (like the tweet Rosanne Barr got blasted for) - as they will certainly take this as “evidence” that Trump is Saving The World!!11!!
And even though I’ve been president a year and haven’t done anything, it’s still Obama and Hillary’s fault.
Watch Donald shit eating grin at about 2:30
Please let this frickin’ nightmare end!
Anyone think this is some kind of crypto-nod to those QAnon tin foil hat freaks?
And here I was reading a book about the Second Punic War to try to escape his imbecility.
Yuck. That is when she learned to keep that fixed, frozen smile on her face. I see “help me” in her eyes.
Which pales in comparison to the Romans. That’s in addition to the Greeks, Vikings, Middle Age Britain etc. On and on and on…
He’s never read a history book in his entire life.
Trump is so slow on the uptake. All those years he hit on Ivanka, totally oblivious she was into girls.
Reminiscent of Napoleon Dynamite:
Napoleon: This is pretty much the worst video ever made.
Kip: Napoleon, like anyone can even know that.
Hmmm, I think at the height of the Atlantic Slave Trade in 1820 that there MIGHT have been just a smidge more “Human Trafficking” going on.
and let’s not even think about the slave trade during the Classical time of the Romans/Greeks/Persians/etc. where upwards of 75% of a city like Rome’s population was slaves.
Once again; Trump is a Fucking Idiot.
There are fireflies mayflies (Order Ephemeroptera ) with a greater historical perspective than Donald Trump.
FIFY, j.dave. Fireflies won’t do, because they have a lifespan (as imagos) measured in weeks. Mayflies have adult lifespans measured in hours.
Don’t forget that Skinny Nixon had his crew of plumbers, too.
His imaginary advisor Frederick Douglas whom everyone is talking about lately would beg to differ.