Discussion: Trump Hops Into A Big-Rig Amid Frenzy Around Health Care Bill (VIDEO)

The American public will have no truck with this health care bill.


OMG. OMFG! I just watched it. HE HONKED! The POTUS honked like a 3 year old kid!! TOASTUS, from this moment forward.


He is a 3 year old kid.

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Itā€™s gonna be a long haul.


Iā€™m just surprised Dr. Vinny Goombatz didnā€™t prescribe laxatives for his patientā€¦

Shame to ruin that seat coverā€¦


Careful, you could get sent to the punitentiary.


That may be the happiest he has actually BEEN in the last 67 years.

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Only when the rubber hits the roadā€¦


Ewww. I know about Gorsuch, but that would be such a fricking callous way to show ā€œpowerā€ or ā€œwinā€ about a likely successful vote on Gorsuch. But he is cruel and callous and loves big visuals - so its possible. But why right now - right on what was supposed to be the vote and his first BIG legislative success and one that slapped down Obamaā€™s BIG legislation. A threat to the house (vote with me the winner) like the Senate is likely to do on Gorsuch?

Still scratching my head.

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Figures the orange fool in the big-rig would be hung like a Matchbox Truckā€¦

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Trump ordered his staff to stage as many photo ops and events in the Oval Office but they couldnā€™t fit the big rigs inside so we have this dog and pony show outside the White House. There is no length this man will not go to self promote himself. Whatā€™s with the scrunched up face and balled up fists? Truck drivers are important and sober employees who deliver the goods every day. Trump knows nothing about this kind of work ethic.


oh godā€¦I canā€™t take itā€¦reallyā€¦ā€˜theyā€™d be happy if I fellā€™ā€¦big trucksā€¦no no no.

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Not exactly the Doo-Dah Man, is he?
I wonder if thatā€™s one of the 750K truckers who rallied in DC while that hated Kenyan Socialist Muslim Usurper was still in office? Remember that? It was a little like Woodstock, but a lot pastier white and with more cholesterol and cellulite. And from that fucking bizzaro batshit insane Time interview, Iā€™ll bet Donald Trump remembers it. Of course, Trump also remembers when Ricky and Lucy Ricardo were President and First Lady.

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He should have posed on a fucking Big Wheel. With a bike helmet and kneepads.

And people thought Dukakis looked silly in a tankā€¦


I read that as ā€œland an aircraft carrier on a jet fighterā€ and thought ā€œSounds like something heā€™d try to doā€¦ā€


Itā€™s getting to the point that even using ā€œzeroā€ isnā€™t enough. Weā€™re going to have to start using negative numbers pretty soon.


Just when one thought this buffoon couldnā€™t embarrass us anymoreā€¦

Thanks for anticipating my comment.