Discussion: Trump: Hillary Clinton Was 'Nasty, Mean Enabler' Of Husband's Affairs

IMO the only “national embarrassment” in this was and is the prurient obsession of Republicans with OPSL (Other people’s sex lives). If the national public had actually felt “embarrassed” do you really think Clinton’s favorability would have risen as it did afterward? This OPSL obsession has driven a huge amount of Rep political activity for many years; apparently, along with racism and Clinton-hate, it’s all they have left.

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Don’t have Firefox, have Chrome and occasionally use IE. But I understand that a non-subscriber can view something like 10 stories before the paywall smacks them. Correct?

Asymmetric warfare. He knows Hillary can’t go after his wives / mistresses as it would prove him right. He is free to go after Bill directly and she needs the media or untraceable surrogates.

How did Hilary enable Bill? This is the first time I’ve heard this one.

Jackasses with THREE spouses should not lecture on the morality of alleged enablers.

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Exactly. And his wives, who had affairs with him before they were married to him, enabled his philandering after they were married to him. I dont think he wants to go after WJC on womanizing.

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I was disappointed in Bill Clinton, too. But this business of HRC being a hypocrite because she hasn’t been “sympathetic” to the women who were openly pursuing affairs, one night stands, or whatever with her husband? Come on. Jeez.





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IE tracks your every move and reports it to MS. Chrome is just a tracking tool for Google. You really should consider Firefox, it’s so much more secure…

Clinton did nothing in the white house that every president has for generations. The only difference this time was a Republican Party with nothing better to attack him with.

Climb down off your moral,high horse and get your clothes back on…

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Trump told the crowd that “nobody respects women more than me”

I for one respect women more than I respect you, and I am sure there may be others who respect women more than I.

Wow attacking a woman for her husband’s affair…that will really win women over to his side…please Donald tell us more…

Bill should have pulled a Trump…cheat, then trade her in for a newer import model.

You misunderstood my post. I am not calling Hillary Clinton a hypocrite, I am stating that one could make that case and although I don’t think it is that compelling when put under rational analysis, the way Trump operates is meta-rational. He makes plausible-sounding arguments in a crude fashion that is intended to elicit visceral emotional responses. It works with a lot of people, apparently. In the general election, he will adapt this on a national scale to influence the broader electorate. It is best not to underestimate his appeal (even though I don’t get it at all).

I am making a serious argument here that the Clinton campaign had better figure out how to respond effectively to this line of attack because it is potentially very damaging. I frankly don’t think that responding with a purely rational argument will cut it. I’m not sure that counter-attacking Trump on the social morality of his own behavior will work because that approach hasn’t had any effect in the Republican primaries. I frankly don’t know what the response should be. HRC has to retain her dignified approach but at the same time appeal in an emotional way. Maybe she’ll use religion, but I don’t think trotting out Jesse Jackson (as was done during the ML scandal) will have any impact here. I mean, what do you think will work?

By the way, I was very sympathetic to Hillary at the time this all happened. Over time it has occurred to me that Hillary’s response was not guided just by a “stand by your man/what’s best for the child” attitude. I think she clearly recognized that sticking with Bill Clinton would be essential for her political future. Frankly, if Al Gore had done that he probably would have won easily in 2000. Picking the sanctimonious, hand-wringing Lieberman as his VP candidate was the biggest mistake he made. Of course, had BC been able to control himself, Gore would have had a run away victory. And look how it changed history. Imagine 8 years of Al Gore instead of 8 years of GW Bush.

Added: I’ll never forgive Bill Clinton for that. I’ll also never forgive him for ‘end welfare as we know it’ or signing the repeal of Glass-Steagal, for that matter. But it was better than having a Republican in office.

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He’s gonna start acting presidential annnnny minute now.

I heard Heidi Przybyla of USA Today say on FoxNews Media Buzz that the media needs to ‘get to the bottom’ of the Hillary enabler story because no proof has been found. Right. That’s what the ‘media’ needs to do. /sarcasm. None of the outlets, including FoxNews and CNN are bringing up the fact of Trump cheating on his first two wives. I’d prefer they stick to issues, but if they are going to air this nonsense, they should set the facts straight about Trump

I rely on my IT guy (who built my PC) as to the best browser. I did have Firefox for a while, there were some glitches, so he advised Chrome instead and uninstalled Firefox. In fact, he tells me to avoid IE for very specific reasons. We’ll have to talk about FF again. FYI I’m able to access ixquick with Chrome.

I keep several browsers installed, and switch any time I’m having any sort of trouble with one – every browser has some problem now and then. But over the years my go-to browser has devolved to Chrome, with the fewest problems and IMO the best control I can get over my browsing. And I’ve found no more “tracking” problems via Chrome than with FF or even Opera. I don’t use IE at all.

Need any convincing that "no one respects women more than " Donald Trump does, should check out a collection of jaw dropping headlines about Don Juan from the 1990’s. His headline making affair with Georgia peach Marla Maples started a feeding frenzy in the NY Tabloids and was the biggest celebrity cheating scandal of the 1990s. When it comes to sleazy extramarital affairs the Donald can trump Bill Clinton hands down! Believe me . http://wp.me/p2qifI-3pK

My IT guy has told me to stop using IE altogether because it’s vulnerable to hacking and other mischief. Seems to me there was a survey here of who used which browser and I think Chrome topped the list.

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