To date-- and not relatives but acquaintances-- to a person, each of the folks I know-- who have thought Trump viable-- are all at least a couple cards short of a full deck. Then there have been those who I consider sane-- who have approached it from a direction of asking me-- ‘What do you think of Donald Trump?’
I can usually tell from my stock response whether they were sincere-- or whether they were hoping to find a fellow-traveler.
I’ll start by expressing that his candidacy, if nominated, is doomed-- due to a lack of having a ground-game in place-- as well as an effective fundraising arm-- with about a year to the election.
If I get a quizzical look-- I know the conversation is over and they’ve drunk the Trump-Aid™.
They’ve not even thought it through.
If the conversation follows my lead-- and we begin talking the rational aspects-- then it’s worth ordering another beer.
(That said? Know that I will NOT open this topic with my in-laws; longtime RWNJ-Foxers. My better half was disowned for less in her youth.)
Thus the SEVENTEEN GOP candidates in the race at the start! SIXTEEN of them will stagger off into the sunset wondering, “How the HELL did the colored guy do it!? He made it look so EASY!”
Graydon Carter first used the term “short-fingered vulgarian” for Trump in Spy magazine, which ran from 1986 to 1998. And he says to this day Trump regularly sends him photos of himself with his hands circled to show the fingers aren’t so short after all. After 27 years he can’t let it go. Like they say, the boy ain’t right.
That was more than a quarter of a century ago. To this day, I receive the
occasional envelope from Trump. There is always a photo of him—generally a tear sheet from a magazine. On all of them he has circled his hand in gold Sharpie in a valiant effort to highlight the length of his fingers. I almost feel sorry for the poor fellow because, to me, the fingers still look abnormally stubby. The most recent offering arrived earlier this year , before his decision to go after the Republican presidential nomination. Like the other packages, this one included a circled hand and the words, also written in gold Sharpie: “See, not so short!”
But it’s a gold Sharpie he uses. He doesn’t just have ordinary loser-ey life-wrecking obsessive hostility, he has huuuuuge, classy, beeyoooteeful life-wrecking obsessive hostility.
Lol. That didn’t take long. I’d just posted on the other Romney thread about the invectives Trump would have hurled at him, had he entered the race. All so predictable.
I’m afraid there are people who hate the Clintons so much that anything, including the Donald, seems like an acceptable alternative - hopefully not enough to actually make him the president. Someone I respect (make that USED to respect) a great deal said he’d vote for Trump over Hillary. I don’t think he’d actually do it, but even the words coming out of his mouth were enough to send cold shivers down my spine.
I’ve always thought that Trump was the incarnation of No-Face from “Spirited Away”: the more baubles you accept from him (i.e., simple, ignorant answers to complex problems), the larger & more grotesque he grows feeding upon your greed for such baubles, which leads him to crave more & more, until finally he is vomiting up all the desires of easy success our society has pumped him full of…
Recall that Howard Dean was touted (on Fox of course) as being un-Presidential because he shouted, once, at a rally of his supporters.
Who will make a video montage of Fox commenters talking about Dean interspersed with clips and comments from Trump? Where is that guy who pasted together 200+ utterances of “China”?
“Romney and his famous remarks about “self-deportation” and “47%”. He was done. I don’t need his angry advice!”
Irony, where art thou? That is Trump on any given day of the week. Ill-chosen remarks and angry advice. Yet it doesn’t matter what Trump says as long as he says it loud and angry. The attraction of Trump for his followers is that “He speaks his mind” and “Says what he thinks”. Pressed for policy specifics, they’ll mention the wall and the “illegals” or, best of all, “He wants to make America great again – it says so on his hat!”.
The GOP cultivated ignorance and got a bumper crop. Here’s Trump to harvest the rubes.
Does anyone here have any insane relatives who like Trump?
All right, so here it goes, I hope this confession will take a load of my shoulders: Although I’d never vote for him, unlike simpleton of evil “W” and Darth Dick Cheney, I actually like Trump.
It’s because he makes me laugh. His over the top aggressiveness, and tearing into the GPO establishment is just too much fun. Although most certainly an unapologetic egomaniac at heart, I also suspect that his public persona is mostly an act. He applies the formula of American wrestling shows to politics and it makes for good entertainment.