Well this is just a big laugh moment. It sounds like something Alec Baldwin would say on SNL.
This coming from Capt. Bing Bong.
Well now we know what the president of the Unided Shaysh thinks.
We are definitely used to low I.Q. individuals these days.
So spake the master of the English language.
Biden and O’Rourke are definitely on the Rethugs’ radar as potential threats. This is the “tell”.
Donnie, I served with William Shakespeare. I knew William Shakespeare. William Shakespeare was a friend of mine. Donnie, you’re no William Shakespeare.
Dear Donnie,
Release your grades.
I’ll be so thankful when I don’t have to wake up to the Insult Comic Presidency EVERY SINGLE DAY.
Weak. Low energy.
I miss having a President.
Yeah, tell us about it, Donald Apple.
just two words: Tim Apple
loser is really getting after it, isn’t he.
must have been told his illusion bubble is about to pop big time.
wonder whats going to happen by friday this week.
could be bigly big. lol hopefully
This from a Man who can’t string together 2 coherent sentences in a row…does this vacuous dope ever do any actual work…when does he fit it in between mindless yammering?
Trumpy, keep this up. You seem to think the primary is over and you’re running against Biden so keep running against Biden.
That way our candidate can sneak right in and beat the shit out of you.
Yeah really from someone that flubbed and mis read all kinds of crap, many in the same speech.
In 2020, I’m voting the Trump / Dunning–Kruger ticket.
It occurred to me that on top of everything else, the thought of having to endure another four years of this tweet inanity is simply beyond the pale. How would you like another weekend of 52 tweets, GOP cowards? Especially as those investigations ramp up and more are inevitably begun.
So sayeth the re-namer of button and nipple.