Discussion: Trump: 'Getting Very Close' To Repealing Obamacare, But 'OK' If We Don't

I still say Trumps parents HAD to be brother and sister. Or maybe he is the true result of that black shit that oozed out of the alien urns in “Prometheus”.


If only we’d known before the election.


I think Lisa Simpson would be quite offended, but I have a feeling that dumbass Susan Sarandon would enjoy it immensely. She might even consider the pussy-grab “revolutionary”!


It was a step in the right direction and helped a lot of poor people. Since the vast majority of non-medicaid/medicare/military people get their insurance through their employer, the GOP is greatly exaggerating the negative effects of the ACA while ignoring all of the patient protections it added.

But the best piece of legislation? C’mon. It is still a bill crafted by and for insurance companies. All insurance companies are just middle men hiking the cost of coverage and profiting off sick people. I’m very in favor of capitalism when it works, but in the insurance market? It does nothing. You cannot “innovate” insurance. You either have healthier pools, or you don’t. You either have larger pools that are less risk averse, or you don’t. But when people fall through the cracks of the private sector they either 1) die; 2) are picked up by medicaid/medicare which tax payers end up paying; or 3) go to the ER and we end up indirectly covering that too.

If one company had a monopoly over all insurance, (in effect spreading the cost of coverage over the entirety of the US population and getting the lowest risk possible), acted ethically and efficiently and kept their profit margin low, they will still never beat a medicare for all system. The cost of coverage is always more since they need to make a profit. Now add in hundreds of insurance companies and each pool gets smaller and the risk gets higher and thus premiums and deductibles go up.

I’ve never heard a good argument against medicare for all. Even if you say, what about people that don’t take care of themselves and are raising costs for the healthy people? We are already doing that on medicaid and medicare! And in the ACA, they can just pass costs on to the tax payers who are funding subsidies.

I wish moderate democrats would just explain to people the benefits of medicare for all, while advocating for some conservative cost controls (reasonable co-pays, charging for ER visits that aren’t emergencies, tax credits for healthy behaviors). They could also sell this as a tort reform of sorts as the need for people to go to court would be drastically reduced when they don’t have massive insurance companies fighting them. (And btw, it’s massive litigation firms that support democrats and don’t want medicare for all).


And fraud.

(Tip: To get past the WaPo paywall type the headline into your search engine/browser then follow that link.)

This just in:

And this:


It kills me that all the minions are shoved onto buses to go visit his Load ship in the castle. I M sure it chaps their asses.


You’re comparing to hypotheticals, not to actual legislation. The ACA is the best piece of actual social legislation since Civil Rights and Medicare in the sixties.

And the magnitude of the achievement is reflected in the fact that, even after a tragic electoral loss, the state of the national conversation on health care has changed forever, as we are seeing played out right now.


"But I think we have a chance to do something very, very important for the public. Very, very important for the people of our country that we love.”

Wait, don’t you love the people “very very much”? I’m deeply wounded. So very very profound and poetic. I’m sure those senators are having a very very beautiful and very very fantastic time there listening to the imbecile and counting the very very second until they can bolt.


I would love to see some man grab Trummpsky’s junk when he goes for one of his dominance handshakes. It could be a revelation for the Groper in Chief.


I didn’t say it was the best conceivable piece of legislation, but I think it’s the best piece of legislation to actually get signed into law in the past 50 years. The fact that it eliminated restrictions on preexisting conditions and lifetime caps made it a pretty damned good bill. I’ll stand by my assessment.

The late Roger Ebert, who died of cancer in 2013, had three insurance companies tell him he’d maxed out his lifetime caps. The only reason he continued to get any healthcare at all for his cancer was because he was a Pulitzer Prize-winning writer for a major American newspaper and they had tremendous incentive to find someone who’d agree to pick up the tab.

Your average employer wouldn’t do that for their employees. Pre-ACA, everyone else just went bankrupt or died, and it’s easy to do. A heart attack can run up $1 million in bills, but it will no longer get you a letter that says “Sorry, but we’re not going to pay anymore” from your insurance company.


Such leadership. What clarity, what strength, how much like a President.

Trump, the name sounds like throwing up.


But I’ll still use it as an applause line in my Heil Trump re-election rallies, where I’ll collect even more slush fund donations from suckers.

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Well, I agree he’s not accomplished jack since he’s been in office except for his abysmal and stunningly bad appointments. DeVos, Pruitt, Price, Mnuchin, Perry, etc to say nothing of: Sessions and the worst b/c of the length of his tenure…Gorsuck. The others will be gone one day. I will be long gone b/f the suck is gone.


Please, let it be Merkel …


You mean, “Nihilists! … ef me. I mean, say what you want about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it’s an ethos.”?


@charliee @williamv

Fair enough. Like I said, it was a step in the right direction, and perhaps it’s the best we could have hoped for under the current state of the American public and the situation in Washington (lobbyists, money in politics, etc.).

On a hopeful note, Elizabeth Warren said recently that Democrats should run on a single payer system going into 2018 and 2020. I feel like she’s a very effective communicator and could move the conversation forward. I bet there are over a hundred Democrats that would prefer medicare for all privately, but are afraid to go out on a limb. When you have a heavyweight out there you can rally behind, that’s how we move forward.


LOL. I came here to try and come up with witty observation; however your comment is Spot-On. Seriously: What?!


“So I’ll ask the press to leave,”

Why? because it’s easier than 1. understanding the issues and 2. speaking to the issues, 3. developing policy regarding the issues.

Why did we get this moron who thinks that his personal opinion is fact, no whatever it happens to be at the moment?

CAFM - I hope this part of history goes down in the rear view mirror in a big hurry.


No, his repeated admonition to his sidekick (Steve Buscemi), to wit, “Shut the fuck up, Donnie.”


Yep. And the longer the Republicans pass gas and nothing else, the more time people have of hearing about the reality and what the ACA does represent. It will not change the Trump Centric voter (aka doormat ), there is more time for reasonable people who haven’t really paid attention to do so now.