Discussion: Trump Flings Insults On Debate Stage: Rubio's A ‘Choke Artist,' Cruz Is A ‘Liar’ (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #246505

I haven’t been watching the Republican debates, because my sanity is kind of important to me. However, I just watched this little snippet and was utterly fascinated.

How Donald Trump can dominate an exchange by name-calling is unbelievable. And the fact that it’s actually working says a lot about the Republican base. I’ve come to the conclusion they should lose their right to vote. To think, our forefathers fought tyranny and injustice for…for… this??

If you haven’t, please see the video.


Ben Carson broke in from the end of the stage in an awkward effort to get a word in, asking “Can someone attack me, please?”

Funny and sad at the same time. Kind of like “Please, clap.”


Republican Party stages of grief over the Drumpf ascendency


The first half of this headline could apply just as well to every GOP debate so far – and no doubt all the remaining ones as well.

What we are witnessing, for perhaps the first time in American history, is a presidential candidate winning the nomination of a major party largely on the basis of his ability to insult and demean his opponents.

One small step for Donald Trump, one giant step for Idiocracy.


Just like if someone dumped a whole semi truck full …

down into a wind tunnel —


Hilarious…and true.

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What is a “choke artist”?

This is what passes among republicans …that Grand Old Party… for intelligent debate.
I think it’s reprehensible for anyone to vote for them.


Why would anyone attack Ben Carson? Nobody brings a gun to shop for Chicken. Rubio is NO Chris Christie, he can’t counter attack. He’s such a wus robot. I love his plan of telling everyone he didn’t prep for the debate when his handlers in fact held him down with a crow bar drilling his computer response potatoe chip with how to respond and attempt to attack. Pathetic character.

I know it as a term in sports for someone who always does poorly(chokes) in crucial situations.


In that clip what the hell was Cruz talking about? When has Obama restricted commercial flights to Israel? And Trumps comment that politicians are all talk and no action… well Osama bin Laden may have an outlook on that.


To my thinking it is a sporting analogy applied to someone who loses even though they had every advantage and everything going for them. At least in my usage.

I’ve referred to the Philadelphia Flyers and New York Rangers as such in the playoffs of recent years when they’ve had insurmountable leads and then seemingly forgot how to play and got eliminated. Rubio chokes as a matter of fact, but I’m not certain he’s ever been ahead enough to be a true artist.

That being said, hearing the numb-nod applause, I guess we all better get used to the phrase “Candidate Trump.”
God help us all.


Didn’t see your post before I chimed in. You nailed it.

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Hate to say this, and I hope I never have instance to do so again; Trump is right–Cruz is a liar.


I loathe Trump, but I’m enjoying the hell out of the problems he’s creating for the GOP.


Kinda reminds me of three loud mouth brothers, fighting in front of their mom.

“Choke artist” did make me laugh, though.


It actually stopped for a little while when there was rocket fire in the area.

Hmmmmm… Sounds like something Cruz would blow up into a major deal that it was all Obama’s fault Hamas or somebody got exercised at the Israelis and fired rockets.


But, then again, Trump is a gargantuan liar himself, so where does he get off complaining about someone else’s lying?

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