I stopped reading at “Trump Flashes.”
Don’t know soccer…not sure what this means…context is a beautiful thing.
I do agree with @spacesaver
So, he first red cards the media in a completely wrong and incomprehensible way, as it looks as if he’s pretending to throw it at them. Then he’s corrected, and properly holds up the card - just the way the visitor had shown 3 seconds before with the yellow card.
Fucking idiot.
At least it didn’t take him as long as getting the phone connection with Enrique yesterday. But, then again, a red piece of card stock is not as high-tech as a telephone.
Just happy he only flashed a red card.
Always punching down. Always being an asshole.
So very presidential.
In response, the “enemy” should flash back the yellow card en masse.
FIFA is an utterly corrupt organization.
Our President is seven years old.
Ya think?
If only Dad hadn’t taken away that sled when he was a kid.
After he flashed the red card at the Press, they all should have walked out.
Speaking of red card this seems like an unlikely random break in or maybe even staged.
I bet he thought he was being so clever…
Aside: I wonder if the Trump Org has ever laundered money for FIFA…
Big deal. tRump likes anything that’s fucking red. Have you seen his ugly red ties? His red blotchy face when he’s pissed? The red tide he thinks is some kind of good thing? The man is obsessed with the color red, next to his other favorite color, fool’s gold.
You forgot his love for the Reds in Russia.
Exactly. Someone’s going to break into a penthouse suite at 1:30 a.m. and just take a briefcase and an iPad and leave everything else alone.
And that’s a big one. So typical of me to miss the obvious.
“How convenient.” Said in my best Dana Carvey church lady voice.
Off topic but from the rear it looks like Brando is cutting button holes in those jeans as he enters the restaurant.