Discussion: Trump-Emulating Businessman Wins Indiana Senate Primary To Face Joe Donnelly

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A wealthy businessman…

They say that he’s wealthy, so I guess that he doesn’t emulate Chiselin’ Trump all that well.


This is probably a good thing for Donnelly, this guy will hug Trump close, and that may not go over all that well, especially if the Democratic wave really hits. The bad thing is the guy has money, but he’s also inexperienced and doesn’t really bring anything that will excite the Trump base, so turnout may be an issue. We’ll have to wait and see how the campaign goes.

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Who would have ever suspected the Russian communists would hit pay dirt so well in the Bible Belt?


Really good news!
Rokita got beaten!
Dems can knock off this guy off…Donnelly has his best shot!
Btw I voted in the primary as a gop, which is legal in Hoosier Land,for Braun…hee,hee!


But with all that money he can afford to bring in a Russian band and talented troupe of whores who give lap dances. That would get the Faux News males out of their recliners and out to the polls?

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He’ll have to be careful doing that because Hoosier gop women don’t care much for whores and lap dancers. He’d solidify the male base but freeze the female base. And, Hoosiers are conservative, but they are not nuts.

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Donnelly couldn’t have picked a better year for re-election. In fact, the whole terrible-Senate-map thing is actually a terrific-Senate-map. No better time for red state Dems to run than the Blue Wave.

Speaking of which, I see that Manchin has received more votes in the Dem primary than all the GOP hacks combined.

And I see that the Blue Wave has washed away Kucinich too.


Trump-Emulating Businessman

Isn’t this an oxymoron?

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“A wealthy businessman who borrowed President Trump’s outsider message…”

“…and Rick Perry’s smart glasses.”


Are you sure ? ? … they look similar to ’ safety ’ glasses …

repubes are BIGLY on that … donchaknow ----

What a douche

So the Republican base remains crazy. This is probably good. The more unelectable buffoons they support the better it is.

I couldn’t, because I’m in IN2 & wanted to vote for Pat Hackett.
Sneaky when you can do it, though.