More like:
The bombastic network password was “DJT4thewin.”
2 hrs n 25 mins
Counting down to when we can declare victory. I like that.
Not pussygrab?
Hopefully (knock on wood)
Should have been: BeaverBewiggedEmoNAZICockwomble
Free Russian Trojan Horse for everyone that uses DJT4thewin.
Another enthusiastic contractor who won’t be paid because they did a terrible job. A complete disaster. In fact, they owe Trump money because of how terrible they did. Not his campaign, Trump personally. Also, their use of the word “Trump” infringes Mr. Trump’s very famous and valuable trademark and they are required to cease and desist using the words “Trump,” Trump Pence" or “Trump Tower” in the addresses on their invoices or bills and remit all of their profits for the year to him.
Hopefully… like Inversion… knock on wood, glass, nails, steel, anything to avoid a trump presidency.
AOL is reporting that Clinton won Guam with 71% of the vote!
Tip: Before sharing your password with people who hate you, combine mixed case with a number for better security.
RIGGED1 would be apropos. Or UNHINGED4evr
OT…but, when I saw this, I blew coffee out muh’ nose. Someone hacked the Trump/Pence site and dropped this.
More accurate, no?