HE’s GOT A sMART BraIN. He LISTens TO WHAt his smart BRaiN says. HE REaDs TWITTer. THERe’s the GOOGLe machine. HE SURROunDs HIMSELF with PEOPle who KNOW stuff about THings: Omarosa HAS a NAme that SEEms AFrican; LOT’s of MExicans WORK For HIM., THEY LOve hIm; He EaTs Chinese FOOD frequently; MANAfort can fILL in about Russia and OTHer stuff.
I’m guessing that he thinks he gets much better intel from Pooty (via Ivanka and her pal, the former Mrs. Murdoch).
FOX: Trump is right on. Our Intel has been a failure. They told us there were WMDs in Iraq, none were found. They told us 9/11 was about to happen but couldn’t pinpoint the exact date and time. Why are we spending anything on them? Twitter is more powerful and right at this time in our society.
Russian, Chinese, and North Korean Intelligence Services all wholeheartedly support this action.
Who needs an intelligence community when you got the shows?
its efficient, it will tell him what he wants to hear, its affordable and after December 1st, 2016, it has a better chance of being the new RNC chairman.
Nothing like alienating a segment of the government he will need to work with if he’s elected.
He was recalling a sixth grade lesson plan which included use “use” in an essay.
“And in fact, I won’t use some of the people that are sort of your standards, you know, just use them, use them, use them. Very easy to use them, but I won’t use them because they’ve made such bad decisions.”
@keanureeves I’ve always understood that the intel briefings can be as as detailed or as perfunctory as the CIA briefing officer deems. It’s a tradition that briefings are to be held but they only began with the HST administration, and it’s not fixed in law.
Well, I guess there’s always the Russian Intelligence Agency.
It’s amazing the level of stupidity Trump reaches on a daily basis.
By any chance did he clarify WHERE he’ll get his intelligence briefings from? Russia? China? Isis? The National Enquirer? Alex Jones???
The incredible sheer utter stupidity… sigh…
“Iraq is a powder keg.”
Yes, Iraq may blow any minute now.
Saddam Hussein best get prepared.
Which indicates there must be at least two things Combover Caligula has never seen: his campaign and a mirror.
Yeah why should he when Russia takes care of it for him.
I have been following postings here for some days now, and, as always, have been heartened by the spirit, knowledge, insight, compassion and courage of you and the other posters here. Occasionally, I have liked some of the posts, specifically, but–truth be told–I have “liked” nearly all of them.
For the most part, my “silence” is due to nothing more than the deal that my pleasure in reading and enjoying are sufficient, even at this grave time in our nation’s history. The things that you all are doing are very valuable for so many people. I was a loyal TPM reader for many years before I started posting.
I have so much regard and respect for all of you, as Americans and as human beings.
PS By the way…this latest announcement from Trump could have been made in an elementary school playground, during recess…
Thank goodness Trump is too stupid to actually form this argument in to an effective attack on HRC.
I mean, how hard is it to just focus the language to claim it is Democratic administration failures, appointees, judgements etc?
Instead he just spews shotgun style, attacking everyone, thereby ensuring it is totally ineffective to actually helping his campaign and instead is actually shooting himself in the foot.
Really, what an idiot this guy is.
I am officially tired of him. He is dumping on an intelligence community that has been built up over DECADES but one more time, he knows ‘better’. He’s a freakin’ buffoon. Period.
“And in fact, I won’t use some of the people that are sort of your standards, you know, just use them, use them, use them. Very easy to use them, but I won’t use them because they’ve made such bad decisions.”
DJT on HRC: “She can’t keep anything private.”
Project much?
So, I guess he will use RT and Sputnik news, now? LOL