Discussion: Trump Doesn't Want White House Aides Testifying Before Congress

Funny thing about testifying is that it’s not always voluntary.


Congressional Democrats had courage back then.

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Except John Gotti didn’t have his own Justice Department headed by a toadying AG willing to come up with binding opinions and help him thwart the law with specious arguments to protect his criminal conduct so he could hide his lawless behavior. Add a partisan SCOTUS willing to help tRump delay any constitutional oversight to the mix and I’m not sure what ends up happening with some of these examples of defiance.


Donnie must have had his terribly painful bone spurs during the time of his first civics class causing him to miss the entire time.


There really is NO END to the things Chump doesn’t want people talking about. We are almost living in a dictatorship now. People are eschewing CRITICAL work because it might make him 'angry".

Take DHS’ Nielsen trying to stop Russian infiltration:
However, the Times reports that White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney instructed her to not mention these efforts to the president for fear of angering him.

“Officials said she had become increasingly concerned about Russia’s continued activity in the United States during and after the 2018 midterm elections — ranging from its search for new techniques to divide Americans using social media, to experiments by hackers, to rerouting internet traffic and infiltrating power grids,” the report claims. “But in a meeting this year, Mick Mulvaney, the White House chief of staff, made it clear that Mr. Trump still equated any public discussion of malign Russian election activity with questions about the legitimacy of his victory.”

Nielsen subsequently gave up her efforts to conduct a cabinet-wide meeting on Russian interference and much of the information she’s acquired about new techniques the Russians are using has not been publicly revealed.


If only the framers had provided congress with some sort of remedy for dealing with a lawless president…oh well, I guess we can only hope that he doesn’t win in 2020.

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Funny, Democratic leadership seems to be wishing for the same thing, but any cognitive being should understand by now that this guy isn’t going anywhere, if you want him gone you have to force him. But it takes courage to stand up to a bully. That appears to be in short supply in certain segments of our party.

Yes, testimony from current or past aides could potentially tarnish the Imperial Presidency - could even put a damper on the relentless worshiping that is conducted continuously by his delusional sycophants -

Here’s a fun game, TPMers.

From WaPo: “In a separate letter Monday, Kline’s attorney, Robert Driscoll, told the panel that his client would adhere to the White House recommendation.”

Can anyone find out who else recently had an attorney named Robert Driscoll?


Trump is working very hard to make sure he gets impeached.
It’s almost as if he wanted it.


Don’t even need to look it up. Client was a red-head with a thing for middle-aged gunworshipping schlubs.


“I allowed my lawyers and all the people to go and testify to Mueller — and you know how I feel about that whole group of people that did the Mueller report,” Trump continued. “I was so transparent; they testified for so many hours. They have all of that information that’s been given.”


I thought that this story would be an “end of the world” story.

Trump is a dictator without a compliant General Staff and Wehrmacht. I hope people can see this.

Maybe the sleepyheads will sleep through this one.


Bingo. My theory exactly. So they can screech about it for 18 months or so. I say if it’s going to happen, start NOW.


Perhaps the Stones will allow the President to use You Can’t Always Get What You Want at his next rally.

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Maybe they should. I’ve been opposed and may still wind up leaning that way, but it’s beginning to seem as if failure to begin proceedings could cause the Mueller report and everything in it to just go away, fade out of the public eye. I’d say it’s preferable for them to get the unredacted report first, then use it as a basis – plus get Mueller in to testify as well. And I hope the May date Nadler indicated is the date they really mean, not a wish.

For the other side of the coin, if the stonewalling continues, then they need to do something beyond just keep asking and getting slapped around, so yes. Getting slapped around is not a good look.


Yeah, as usual, the Dems are damned if they do and if they don’t, so might as well start the proceedings. If they start now, the screeching will get a bit long in the tooth by next year.


For sure. You’re on the money there.

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Because obviously this “death by a thousand cuts” strategy of bringing McGahn, Mueller, etc., is going to take just as long, so why not start impeachment now? I’m not hopeful however.

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