Discussion: Trump Ditches Press Pool To Eat Steak, Tell NYC Elite He’ll Cut Their Taxes

Yeah, he’s got some weird phobia about not being in his safe spaces. The secret service is reportedly pissed about his intentions to spend so little time at the WH.


He has every intent to approve Ryans " A Better Way" which pretty much reduces the taxes for the wealthy and corporations…this will be followed by the axing of domestic programs for the poor and middle class…

Bush 43 x’s a gazillion…


I’ll never eat there again.


Some programs aimed at the poor will be bolstered.


Oh, I am well-aware that he has the support of the Republican majority in Congress, it just pisses me off that he is so ignorant of the way our government actually works. Let’s see if the GOP figures out a way to completely ignore the minority and the Supreme Court. Checks and balances, don’t you know? Or maybe I’m just an idealistic dreamer with a degree in political science.


Don’t forget civil forfeiture!

Exactly my reaction, Sniff. He ordered a filet mignon well done. What the fuck is the point? Dumbass probably ate it with his hands and eats pizza with a knife and fork.


Ha! Percy says your tee times at Aberdeen are still in effect.


Actually 44 for 44, since Grover Cleveland was both the 22nd and 24th President.


And would have been the 23rd (or just the 22nd) had the electoral vote aligned with the popular vote.

Well that gave me chills…and not the good kind.

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I’ll go get the rope…you go get a chair.


Trump will play the media off each other, and play congress off each other. That’s how the Trump do. We saw this with the “fight” with Fox. We will see it as he picks off all the GOP Austerians by declaring a physical infrastructure stimulus. Maybe some kind of defense stimulus. It’s still Orban’s playbook basically. Even this refusal to live in Washington is a show to demonstrate he is not an insider. Two or three years from now, of course, the bloom will be off the rose, and people will realize that the Treasury was gutted and our institutions degraded. I don’t see how anybody ties themselves to this administration and has a career afterward. It’s much nuttier than the Nixon White House. Maybe the plan is just to stuff as much as you can in offshore accounts and then retire to Tonga or Zanzibar (not sure Swiss law would protect these days).

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Sure you don’t mean “pogrom”?


I guess it pays to stay awake in history class…

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This is the beginning of what will be mounting evidence that Trump never cared for, understood, nor wanted the duties of the President of the United States. It was a PR stunt and a narcissistic belt-notch all at the expense of potentially dismantling this country and ruining a lot of lives. God dammit we’re in for a hell of a 4 years.


Nearly all the nitwits surrounding Trump could blow $1000 a day on living expenses, until their death, and still leave a huge pile of cash in the bank for their heirs.


Deficits only matter if the money is being spent on “THOSE PEOPLE”.
If it is being given to Wall Street fat cats, Monopolies, the Oil Industry, and the MIC, it is all good.
Mantra for the Trump Administration: “Only Little People pay taxes.”
Welcome to the new “Gilded Age”.


Mr. Left just brought up an interesting question. Since Drump is making noises about staying in the Towering Infernal on the weekends…what does that do to the nation’s costs for Secret Service…what does that do to all the neighboring businesses?

All other presidents have understood the need for letting the Secret Service to their job…Jeez. Will this cause businesses to leave the Tower…so that Drump will then require the U.S. to rent all the floors around him? Think about the security nightmares. The WH is set up for security.


That’s a great description of Andrea Mitchell’s behavior this past week - although yesterday she couldn’t resist also getting in a little Hillary hatred for old times’ sake. If a Trump economy could collapse just for her and Greenspan and not decimate others, I would be supremely happy.