Discussion: Trump Disappointed In 'So-Called Republicans' Who Sank Repeal Bill

It would be a delight if Collins, McCain & Murkowski simply said - screw you - you are a twisted psycho

  • so you want it to be personal? - fine
    we are not up for re-election until 2022 (Collins in 2020 ) - so we’re now independent - and will nominally caucus with the Democrats - the new majority -

The orange asshole’s use of the world “we” has started driving me insane. I’ve finally gotten over his abuse of “very”, and now this.

What exactly does he mean by this? Who is “we”? Is this the royal we? I don’t think so - I doubt he knows what that is. And he’s not a king (even if he thinks he is). Regardless, it sounds smarmy and patronizing coming from him.

Maybe he’s doing it to paint a picture of unity in the WH? I’ve never heard another president use the word in the way he does (not that that’s surprising).


Trump is going to do a little jig the day of McCain’s funeral.

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Then maybe we could all get some sleep again.

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So called Republicans? Oh, the irony.


Still waiting to hear Mr. Trump’s plan for better healthcare for all at lower cost with no cuts to Medicaid, etc.

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I’ve learned to not focus my eyes when opening news websites so that I can quickly scroll down without clearly seeing his repulsive face. I resent the fact that so many sites insist on enabling his raging narcissism. FEWER PHOTOS people. Please!!!


He meant to say so called fascists. He’s just really lame at specifics. And the truth. And rational thought. Actually, he’s just lame.


This wasn’t responsible legislation. It’s grenade launching and it smacks of desperation. Get a new gig this is clearly not your thing donny. Resign you’re terrible at this. We’ll deal with Mike he’s a creature of conviction and not nearly the moving basket of deplorable you are.


This from a man who was a registered Democrat most of his life. Yep, the Asshole-elect. Sad.

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Trump referring to “so-called Republicans” is richly ironic, since his affiliation with the Republican Party is strictly a matter of convenience and he has exhibited little loyalty to the party


Can you jig in leg chains?    

Unfortunately when you are convinced of the archaic, sexist, racist, nasty garbage that Mike is convinced of, and your conviction cuts you off from the convictions of the overwhelming majority of the country, it’s a problem. And that’s if he’s your next door neighbor. If he’s your POTUS? Seriously scary disaster.

What a sad, strange place for our politics to be in 2017 that millions of people’s futures are depending upon Rand Paul being upset that the current repeal measures don’t go far enough.

McCain and Collins are almost heroic in this, but Paul? Hey Senator, I’ll be happy to take your government-provided healthcare if you don’t want it.

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Can you imagine Obama snarking? “So-called Democrats” ?

I can’t either.


trump thinks empathy towards millions losing insurance equals “attitude”. This guy has ZERO emotional intelligence…

“We don’t know why they did it…”

Really? if that is true, then that tells you everything you need to know about Trump. That means he approves of denying millions heath care and insurance, raising premiums, doing away with preexisting condition guarantees, and essential health benefits. Oh, and ending all Medicaid after 2026.

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Good job Donald you keep spending the political capital of yours on material the Democrats need for building sound platforms to run and take that both houses. Thank you Donald you are the gift that keeps on giving to the Democrats we will take both houses and then will come and take you and remove you from the lighthouse.

Trump said he was “very disappointed by a couple of senators, Republican senators.”

Apparently, he has no problem with the Democratic Senators who also voted no.

Note to Schumer: Pile on! NOW!

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Drump should demand that they switch their party identification to Dems… giving Dems a majority in the senate

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