Discussion: Trump Denies Calling White House A 'Dump': 'TOTALLY UNTRUE'

You’re made to wager $1000 whether Trump said the WH is a dump. What’s your bet?

I thought so.


“I believe he was joking.”

There’s a Sarah Sanders quote for every occasion.


Note that he didn’t tweet the denial, until a day after this video went viral in response to his reported comments (used as an explanation for why he was spending so many weekends at his resorts - on the tax payers dime).


Donny, let me tell you about the boy who cried untrue…er…wolf.


All anyone needs to know: his lips are moving


It’s like confabulation, but only in the sense that he indeed fabricates an entire range of lies from the mundane to the bizarre and he does it brazenly, without any fear of, or concern for the consequences.

It can’t be a true, pathological confabulation though, because a true confabulator isn’t aware of what they’re doing. Trump’s not only aware of what he’s doing, he’s bragged/written about in the past, about how he uses it to his advantage.

For Trump, everything - even the presidency and the welfare of the American people and the global community - is weighed as to how he can use it to his advantage. That’s it. That’s all he’s got.


This is one time he could have plausibly claimed to be of-course joking in his naughty way. He’s getting more rattled and possibly more impaired. And the naughty act can wear thin if what you really are is a total constant lout and vulgarian. If people at long last want the act to get off the stage he has a problem.


[quote=“sanni, post:23, topic:60097”]
his reported comments (used as an explanation for why he was spending so many weekends at his resorts - on the tax payers dime).
[/quote]And Trump’s real reason for spending so much time away from the White House? Perhaps not because it’s “a dump,” although I’m sure he’s more comfortable at his own properties with their familiarity and the knowledge that they are his, that he owns them. The White House, however, has a history of truly great men and important events that can actually be felt when you are there. And Trump knows deep down that he does not measure up, that he does not belong, even though outwardly he thinks he deserves it all. Besides, when he’s at the White House people might expect him to do some actual president-type work. It also reminds him of all the problems related to the Mueller and Congressional investigations. That’s just too tough to deal with. So, “it’s a dump.” Just like a child might say.


We’ve always been at war with Golf Magazine.


Well, that settles is. Trump’s honesty is unimpeach … sorry, I just can’t do it, even in jest.

Trump lies endlessly, and is totally impeachable. Or at least I hope he is.


Not a very important story other than it is one more stick in the fire pit of lies and irrational behavior


It’s actually quite disgraceful how the media now just publishes any old hearsay. Coupled with the fact that most journalists we see appear to be grade A idiots, it’s doing absolutely nothing for the credibility of the industry. The media is simply confirming the worst of the insults trump hurls at them.

Insecure people have opinions they want to voice, but are just self aware enough to know they’ll rub a lot of people the wrong way. So, they go ahead and speak without a filter, and afterward deal with all the negative reaction with a big “Just kidding!” Like the 9 year old that just has to get it off their chest Aunt Mary smells funny, followed by “Gee Mom, I was joking! Gaaaawd!!”

Trump is our 9 year old. Welcome to the third grade.


Agreed - for both media and politicians

Another piece of fake news from some commie golf magazine. Besides, everyone knows that the golfing world is teeming with Hillary-loving, socialist, Moose-Lamb-sympathizing left-wingers.


Totally, like, you know. Like, gag me with a spoon!

The problem for Trump is that his quote about the White House being a dump sounds exactly like something he would say, and denying it isn’t going to fly. Even though his remark was extremely insulting, I’m sure the magazine could have concocted a much more damaging quote if they wanted to fabricate something Trump said.


Yes: Here’s [*Politico’*s reporting on this]–1

Alan Shipnuck, who reported the 7,424-word story, defended his work in a podcast on Wednesday. Shipnuck said he had an “enlightening” conversation with White House aide Hope Hicks, who demanded a retraction…

“I explained to her: It’s not a lie. The president said this in front of eight or nine members and staffers at Bedminster,” he said, calling it a “moment of candor” for the president. “The week of the U.S. Women’s Open, I heard the same story told by two or three different other sources. This is certainly a moment that has already passed into legend at Trump Bedminster. It might be inconvenient for her boss and she might wish he didn’t say, but it’s not a lie.”1


The “totally!” fake quote was probably fed to the magazine by some golfing former-Eagle Scout Mexican president who is jealous of Trump’s inauguration crowds.


“Totally untrue” = right on the money.