Maybe someone got through to him that the alliteration between his name and his description of the White House doesn’t work in his favour.
It certainly is an apt description of the office holder.
Kelly’s doing a great job enforcing discipline.
I’m beginning to think he lies so he’ll have the opportunity to scream FAKE NEWS! after the fact.
I don’t think he thinks he is lying.
I’m betting someone’s got it on tape.
Of course he doesn’t, he’s a sociopath!
Yes–we should take him seriously, but not literally.
Somewhat apropos of this post (though, really, we could be speaking of so many utterances of Trump’s and not just this one), this article on Trump’s rhetoric appeared in a recent issue of Philosophy Now; some of you might enjoy it:
“Beyond Bullshit: Donald Trump’s Philosophy of Language”
Sorry, but this grandiose blowhard lost all credibility long before he took the oath of office…but believing him now is even more laughable. What’s most gratifying is that so many of his own supporters are beginning to lose faith in his truthfulness. They’ve always been a little slow, mind you. Still, some of them have no problem with a Pr*sident that lies on a daily basis.
This is what true graciousness, appreciation and awe for the People’s House looks like:
Here’s hoping some member at his golf course has a recording of this ingrate’s comment on his/her iphone.
Kellyanne has already explained that to us.
[Warning: Screechy sounds akin to fingernails being dragged across a blackboard.]
Dmitri Medvedev spent most of yesterday on Twitter basically saying that he’d banged Trump’s mom. In response to this, Trump has chosen to go after Golf Magazine, demanding a retraction on this story. They’re sonning him too, saying they stick by their reporting, and if Donald knows what’s good for him, he’ll drop it, or else they’ll give Doral a lousy review and then where will he be???
Sooner or later, even his fifth column of Pepes have to notice what a sniveling punk Donald is, right?
“TOTALLY UNTRUE” means the opposite…
“totally” totally gives it away…
Trump’s 100 word vocabulary consists mainly of exaggerated superlatives… nothing simply IS, it always has to be posed when Trump says it.
is there leather?
Sorry, but I’m just not convinced until I hear this from Presidential spokesman Jim Miller. I hear he has the best people calling him all the time, especially the ladies, if you know what I mean.
OK. It’s one thing - and totally untrue, by the way - to call NYT, WAPO, and CNN “fake news.” But, Sports Illustrated? Really? Like they have an agenda against you?
And if it is on tape, it will all be misconstrued as a joke like the man himself.
Oh please oh please oh please!
He’d prefer it to be the Gold House.