When the Republicans had the Majority they never acted with such hatred and scorn!
That’s because the GOP had cornered the market on hatred and scorn with the endless Benghazi investigations and repeated votes to de-fund the ACA.
But I guess that doesn’t matter to him and the minions.
Don’t worry Spanky, your turn in the barrel will come and these hearings of your toadies are just warm-ups for the main event.
Trump Rule #1: He is always lying
Trump Rule #2: He is always projecting
- Whitaker’s testimony has already revealed things Trump knows are bad
- Trump suspects that his numbers will never bounce back, and 2020 is cheat-or-lose for the GOP
Also, because it all sort of runs together in his head:
- Bezos’ war with AMI reveals Trump’s cards: illegal bargains with a handful of influential people to secure power by destroying opponents
Oh, is the little boy crying wolf again? Yawn.
A Democrat in the hearing totally showing a card to Whitaker.
O/T, but when is the last time this sad sack has done anything that might charitably be described as his job??
I mean, the President of the United States of America is usually one hell of a busy person. Even a relative lightweight like Dubya had a pretty full schedule when he wasn’t off at his ranch. But all this miserable excuse for a miserable excuse can manage is to hate-tweet at his usual targets, occasionally fuck up a budget negotiation, and wallow in butt-hurt-ness. Complete waste of O2.
If he thinks they showed all their cards, he’s in for a long poker game.
All Trump has left is the Joker and a pair of jacks, every other Trump card is either in jail or waiting to find out they are heading there.
House Democrats are holding a royal flush…
You know, even as much as you despise the worthless POS, you might for a moment wish he was slightly less of a coward and a crybaby. For a moment, at least, you feel dismay and revulsion, because deep down in our neural wiring we’re still hardscrabble hominids trying to survive amid the dangers of the African savannas, and someone like that is no good for the team.
just had to post this…
I’ll take Dem cards over Donnie’s house of cards everytime…
Just wait til we get a chance to play our favorite card game: Individual UNO…
I’m glad Trump agrees that the Dems had a good hearing and have successfully protected the Mueller investigation and have likely set the marker going forward for how Barr handles things.
They weren’t trying to hide anything, idiot.
“The Dems are trying to win an election in 2020 that they know they cannot legitimately win!” this is the part that I find seriously worrying: he’s already saying that next elections will be a fraud, that the Democrats will steal them
You scared, bitch? 'Cause, you sound scared.
Which would need to be countered by a continuing white noise campaign about Imbecile-1 being a Russian asset, a moron, a criminal and his entire party helping out along the way.
Fight fire with fire.
Don’t. The country as a whole doesn’t want what Trump’s selling. That’s clear now. But the struggle is still there and you have to do your part. It’s like the days of Victory Gardens and scrap-metal drives; you do what you can on the home front to help the good people we have fighting for us in the trenches. We’ll run these carpetbaggers the hell out of Washington and then we’ll start rebuilding our republic. Lots of work ahead, but worrying won’t get it done.
We’re coming for you Don.
Apparently winning by getting more votes – popular and EC – is no longer legitimate unless you can prove that the public wasn’t substantially misled about crucial issues.
Oh, wait.