Discussion: Trump Defends Tax Plan: 'We Are Really Going To Start To Rock'

Start to “rock”? What an asshole.

“We” meaning, “Me and my family.”

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The whole statement is nothing but the kind of lying Orwell saw coming in 1984. Trump is his very own single person Ministry of Truth.

The only thing Orwell got wrong is that he gave O’Brien brains. I guess it simply would have been inconceivable to him that a carnival barker with a limited vocabulary could pull off this kind of distortion of reality.


Good for the wealthy, corporations and the middle class. How about the White Working Class? They’re the folks that put this jerk in office. I think it’s safe to say this isn’t going to do anyone any good but for those that are already good right now. Obama was genuinely, as in for the people, concerned with the economy. He sought the council of everyone right and left on it. If a credible argument for tax cuts promoting growth and trickle down being real were given to him he’d have done it. He didn’t because there’s no evidence it works and a bunch of evidence that it does not. Trump comes from a different place. All he cares about is Trump, he’s too stupid to reason this stuff out himself and his handlers know if they wish to stick around they have to tell him what he wants to hear. So they told him this. It’s not hard not to see Trump thinks this loser will crank out the numbers he plucked from thin air and make him the biggest swinging dick in US economic history. He sees himself that way and no one dares tell him otherwise. So here we go. Maybe Pence can say “read my lips” for a stall but we all know where this goes. Sux.


It will certainly boost demand for certain service industry employees, such as pool boys and yacht club attendants.

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and we can eat all the candy we want! yay!


[quote=“thunderclapnewman, post:17, topic:66437”]
There is no evidence whatsoever—since the dawn of recorded history—that even vaguely suggests that tax cuts for corporations and the uber-rich will stimulate growth or cause an uptick in hiring and wages.
[/quote] and yet, will ABC, CBS, or NBC frame it that way? Look at the historical record? pay attention to the needs and wishes of the 68%?

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umm, I think it’s “The ship of state hit a rock! Every man for himself!”

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In time we will see if he is correct but we will also have the pleasure of seeing him squirm over the pending indictments and the effect they will have on the market.

Jonathan Lemire and Stephen Ohlemacher:

would lower taxes on the richest Americans. Benefits for most other taxpayers would be smaller

You are comparing a massive giveaway to a serious financial blow, and all you can say is that one is smaller? You are fucking cretins.

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I started saying that during the Reagan Administration and was laughed at.


The Orange Titanic

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I was just wondering if they still break big rocks into little ones in the BIG HOUSE.

And if you’re not sure if those emails are significant or not, just note that the group is trying to claim that the emails were shared “improperly”.

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If by “start to rock” you mean being led out of the white house with, Pence, your kids and half your administration in handcuffs, okey dokey.


Some small percentage of this luxury spending will “trickle down” to provide jobs producing and maintaining these luxury goods.

Yes, and that’s a good thing. But I’d rather see 10,000 full time workers making a living wage and having discretionary income, going out and buying 10,000 dish washers. That’s how you drive an economy. Fuck the rich. They provide nothing.


Explosive economic growth-- otherwise known as an overheated economy – is not a good thing. So far everything proceeding out of trump’s mouth has been lies and deceit so I do not expect that to change.

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In order to “make America great again”, Americans need increased wages!

This has been a known fact for decades. Hell, we are in the 21st century and the lawful hourly wages sits at $7.25 a fucking hour!


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The GOP just cant grasp the historical facts…this has never worked in the last 50 years…we’ve always ended up in worse shape…

last time i read about it it was that were spending 1.45 trillion for a .8% average growth rate over the next decade…

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Buy gold, lots and lots of gold!

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