Discussion: Trump Defends Planned Parenthood Stance Amidst Praise From The Group

It takes a bigger idiot apparently to show the everyday regular idiots their idiocy. Trump accentuates the dumb that is the Republican effort based on lies.
Whether it be big wars or little wars, the Republicans will latch on to a lie like a junkyard dog on a bone and work it for all its worth no matter how many groups they offend in the meantime.
The little war on women is a loser for the too dumb to realize Republicans and Trump is the voice of reason that just might get through their thick skulls.
Of course, Trump is lying also too, so the trend continues.


Funding Planned Parenthood is the Pro-Israel position. The Right To Lifers are using the “fungible money” argument to claim American Taxpayers are funding abortion’s in Israel.

There may be a method to Trumps madness. Extreme, crazy madness.

Or maybe not. At this point, I don’t care, it’s just pure entertainment…

Agree. Its almost like he thinks they’re like an old fashion filling station where they kick the tires, clean the windshields, fill the tank and do repair work on women’s private parts out of the attached garage.

Full Service Ladies!!


And because he has defended PP you can place bets now his poll numbers will start to fall… that was a straw toooooooooooo far for his bigoted supporters.

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This will not please the “even one is too many” crowd. it will be interesting to see if there is any change in his polling once asshats like Cruz latch onto him saying this.

i don’t know… it seems his supporters don’t really care about policy, i mean, how could they, being his supporters? and he already got away with the single payer transgression…


“Planned Parenthood: Because otherwise women will just have babies falling out of their where evahs” - DTrump


Before he was a birther (and I don’t believe for a minute he believed Obama wasn’t born here) he had pretty liberal views. I believe it was all for publicity. The guy is a publicity hound as we all can see. I think we should all be celebrating as he is doing the republican party no good at all. I don’t believe anyone knows where this is all going to end on the republican side but they are worried and they should be.


“…and Trump is the voice of reason that just might get through their thick skulls.”

That’s pretty much what I was thinking as well. Of course, he doesn’t care about PP, women or anything not named Donald Trump; it’s just that some of his acolytes might see the situation in a different light if Rump can blend his base misogyny with some sanity. It’s a fine line few could walk except for Rump.


Anyone really think Trump gives a rat’s azz’ about women’s health issues? Puuuuh_leeeeeze’!

Romney: “I have binders full of women.”

Trump: “I love women. I married a lot of em’!”

I, too, never really thought he didn’t believe Pres. Obama wasn’t a US citizen. He’s a crude vulgarian BUT he’s not batsh*t crazy. It’s just that the birther garbage was a cow that produced an endless amount of attention milk for him so - he miked it. If the Pope was an alien from the planet Saturn became “a thing” he’d be milking that cow too…


I have never liked Trump…even when he wasn’t running.
Vacuous celebrity running for President?? C’mon…

I’m undergoing Trump fatigue. What @Chammy expressed yesterday.

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I’ve always had a fairly low opinion of him – it’s gone downhill from there to me almost despising him in the last few years with that birther hate shit-storm tantrum he threw at President Obama. Totally uncalled for and, seemingly, out of the blue coming from Trump.

Edit: He’s very low class, IMHO.

Well they should.

The ReThuggs are just as much (or more) of a Huckster/scam outfit as Trump.

The difference is that The ReThuggs have perfected (and I mean PERFECTED) the STRATEGY of the hustle for two sets of people:

(a) the Geriatrics who watch FOX and listen to Talk Radio
(b) the Independents (through GOP/0.001% contacts with the MSM)

HOW (Tactics) they do this has been demonstrated for a couple of decades, at least (Goebbels-esque Propaganda for FOX/Talk Radio consumers AND “False Equivalency” both-sides-are-the-same bull***t for MSM-bound Independents).

Trump is pure P.T. Barnum, an expert showman. The kind of person who can not only work the CROWD but also the PUBLIC. The dumbest rubes in the U.S… happen to be Republican, which is why Trump works them. That’s the strategy.

The tactics?

We have seen some of it. But if I were a talking head (charged with “figuring this out and predicting”), I would bear in mind that Barnum forgot more about the Hustle than most people ever knew. Trump is ths same animal. Moreover, as a billionaire, he has long lived in the world of for-hire “idea people” specially trained to look at the social landscape and turn out a Hustle of the Week gambit for every news cycle.

This can entail Trump the “good cop”, Trump the “bad cop”.

Trump the psycho (sure…if ReThugg rubes fall for it)

Addendum: The most clueless person I saw on the Tube last nite was a G.O.P. “analyst” flailing in the air about Trump, claiming the sort of demise that Trump has already wriggled out of remarkably…


Who knew that being honest about something made so much sense?
Trump is pandering heavily on the rest of his speech regarding abortion but he did walk that line as you say.
How absolutely weak and deluded he exposes the rest of the Repub field to be by just showing a little smarts. Republican dumb is a deeply ingrained and conditioned dumb that can’t just be schooled out. They want to be dumb and therefore they are. I guess being smarter than their rivals was just too much work?


“So do I, and nobody services women better than Donald Trump,” he added.

Like McKinley’s front porch campaign, the Trump Tower campaign…
If I was a leading Dem, I’d fluff every non Republican utterance the Donald makes and if the GOP manages to flush him I’d flirt with the Donald like an old Chinese whore.

Bumper-sticker material you have written…

TeaBaggers astound the mind with a willful (did I spell that correctly?) ignorance. As a historian this has always grabbed my attention, from the Know Nothings to the present G.O.P (which has done far more damage to the United States than the Know Nothings ever did).

It’s one thing to talk about the under-educated Jim Crow-era sharecroppers. “huddled masses” of the 1880-1920 European immigration and half starved Latinos straggling across the border.

But THESE people, smack-dab in the middle of the so-called “Information Age”, have been called the most mis-informed individuals in American history by a number of researchers.


Uh oh, Donald’s in trouble now.
He made a somewhat cogent, rational remark about PP, and social conservatives simply will not stand for that.

He is bursting into the GOP temple and throwing down their sacred statues…first McCain, then Kelly, and now…supporting Planned Parenthood.

And the praying faithful are screaming in ecstasy as he does.

So yeah, it makes sense for the High Priests of GOPness to be extremely worried. Not just their religion is at a stake, but their very livelihoods…and apparently based on death threats being leveled at Kelly, perhaps even their lives.