Discussion for article #245690
New law: Any form of “enhanced interrogation” to be used by America must first be cleared by subjecting the President, the SecDef, the CIA head, the Joint Chiefs, and the Clowngressional members of the Intelligence Committees to it first.
“You can say what you want, I have no doubt that it does work in term of information and other things,” he said.
Trump also announced his golf resort pro club shops will start selling Enzyte and deer antler spray.
Darth Donnie obeys his Emperor former Darth Cheney…
Joseph Goebbels would have loved this guy. I know, I just went full Godwin on a Monday morning. Sometimes when the shit smells that bad, you’ve no choice but to call it what it is.
Dubya: We all know it works. It gave us the sound reasoning to invade Iraq.
Darth: Its also fun.
Fox: Liberals, its not torture but Enhanced Interrogation Technique, fully approved by SCOTUS.
How can America be Exceptional again if we can’t torture?
Wouldn’t having Trump as President be torture enough for the country and the world?
There’s those darned “small hands” talking again…
Given the opportunity, and empowered to exercise unfettered leeway to exercise it, I think most of the GOP field (and supporters) would emulate Tomás de Torquemada.
Perhaps the Donald can volunteer for some waterboarding: it’d be interesting to see what he’d admit. No idea whether it’d be true or not, but that’s not why you do it: you do it because you like torturing people.
“My thoughts and feelings are equivalent to your facts.”
The four words that precede the majority of Republican unenlightened, uninformed, BS on any and every topic whatsoever.
We asked the same thing in the last two election cycles when the GOP candidates insisted they would make it law again.
I will wait patiently for the footage of Donnie experiencing the tactic and see if he feels the same way after.
But I won’t hold my breath (I don’t look THAT good in blue).
The most effective form of torture would be tie someone to a chair in a room with an endless loop of Donald Trump campaign speeches running (a la “Clockwork Orange”.)
Of course it violates the Geneva Convention, but there you go…
at least the Catholics would…
Here’s a great campaign idea for the Donald and Fox News!
Trump should waterboard Hannity just before the next debate! After all, Hannity said he do it for the troops and the nation is still waiting!
When Hannity gets done, he can waterboard Trump!
Certitude leads to violence. This is a proposition that has an easy application and a difficult one. The easy application is to ideologues, dogmatists, and bullies–people who think that their rightness justifies them in imposing on anyone who does not happen to subcribe to their particular ideology, dogma or notion of turf. If the conviction of rightness is powerful enough, resistance to it will be met, sooner or later by force. There are people like this in every sphere of life, and it is natural to feel that the world would be a better place without them!
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
There is no evidence at all that “waterboarding” works. It only results in false information. I am sorry that Trump has joined Cheney, the darth vader of American politics. How can trump be so ignorant and bump and lower American reputation among the nations.
Exactly. Like Jeet Heer said in a New Republic article, what world-class bullshitters like Trump do is muddy up the awareness that there’s a knowable truth on at least some topics. It happens time and again—did Muslims celebrate on rooftops? Who won in Iowa? With Trump it’s a matter of opinion, and the guy who yells the loudest and longest determines what reality is. We know what the interrogators say about torture simply not producing reliable information. This is not a controversy. But you can say what you want, Trump has no doubt that things are otherwise, and a disturbingly large segment of humanity is willing to believe simple, intuitive things like that said in a confident tone by a widely known person.