Trumps daddy was a grifter and crook
We rest our case
Ron Insana: “People seem to be talking about this as a ‘Nixon goes to China’ moment. It strikes me more as a ‘Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle’ moment.”
Approximately $500 million…
I’ll give Trump this: human rights would not be a good subject to bring up given what we’re doing to kids on our border.
China and Russia are human rights paragons compared to North Korea. Even Saudi Arabia is better, and the Saudis are a hard act to follow for sadistically murdering their own citizens.
“But he’s starved them,” Van Susteren asserted, “He’s been brutal to them. He still loves his people?”
A new definition for tough love, Greta. Get with the program already. Similar to ripping kids out of their parents arms and putting them into cages and calling it “love of country”.
“Look, he’s doing what he’s seen done, if you look at it,” he said. “But, I really have to go by today and by yesterday and by a couple of weeks ago because that’s really when this whole thing started.”
“None of the past matters, you see. because when I called him Little Rocket Man, he totally reassessed his life and he turned into Father Fucking Mulcahy from MAS*H.”
Deconstructed word salad – a post-realist take on word salad where nouns are whipped into a light froth and the verbs are in their own bowl across the room with a fan blowing their aroma toward the listener. Adjectives and adverbs have been stripped down to just ads; ads for Trump resorts and golf clubs. Pronouns are for amateurs and the only word that matters is TRUMP.
I think I’m losing my mind with this Trump / NK situation:
“He’s a rough guy. He has to be a rough guy or he has been a rough person,” Trump told Van Susteren. “But we got along very well. He’s smart, loves his people, he loves his country.”
Holy shit.
I don’t doubt that the Swiss sex industry caters to people who like it “rough.”
Trump is a rudderless piece of shit.
Kim Jong Un had his uncle executed to consolidate power. He had his brother murdered by two women who smeared VX on his face in a Malaysian airport.
‘He’s Doing What He’s Seen Done’
Done by whom? By Vladimir Putin?
This is insanity. It really is. Our president is insane.
Despite the fact that Kim’s not orange, and probably not nearly as dumb as donnie, I look at them and see the same person. It’s chilling.
This whole thing is so transparently an ego fluffer for trump.
That said, better this than the bellicose brinkmanship the two nuts were engaging in last year.
“If you look at it” is his latest “tell”…
IOW, “Who you gonna believe, me or your lyin’ eyes ?”
Totally consistent with the Trump view of the world. He wouldn’t give a flying fuck about starving people if it suited his criminal enterprise…
So Kim is doing what he’s seen done. At his age, tRump has seen the United States work for tolerance, equality and human rights. Why isn’t he doing that?
I thought the Chinese $500 million bribe to Trump was just for relieving sanctions on Chinese telecom company ZTE. Trump couldn’t get more Chinese money to sell out South Korea, Japan, and legitimize North Korea? Geesh.
"He has to be a rough guy or he has been a rough person,”
WTF does that even mean?
“Look, he’s doing what he’s seen done, if you look at it,” he said.
And so is donnie, who is also taking his inspiration from other dictators (at least I assume that is what donnie was saying Kim was doing, but again, who the fuck knows?).
“But, I really have to go by today and by yesterday and by a couple of weeks ago because that’s really when this whole thing started.”
And again: WTF does that even mean?
“Anybody that takes over a situation like he did at 26 years of age and is able to run it and run it tough — I don’t say he was nice, or I don’t say anything about it,” he said.
I’d say Kim is far more talented at government than donnie. I mean look how Kim has manipulated him to the point that donnie is wrapped around his little finger. Note I use the term “little” here figuratively - Kim’s little finger is surely larger than all of donnie’s fingers put together.