Discussion: Trump Cracks That Critics Want Him To 'Call The FBI' After Meeting The Queen

I am fully with Trump and the Republicans on this, because I believe in liberalism. Most people want to be free.

So, Republicans, y’all go ahead and buddy up with your little dictator friends, including the failing Russian Republic.

We’ll take the rest.

Hey, England, Ireland, France, Canada, Germany, Spain, Australia, Japan… hack Trump and give us the dirt.

I’m sure you’ll be greatly rewarded.

I don’t think I have even commented in this thread, so I am not sure what you are referring to.

Don’t provoke me today.

There are two deleted posts right above us and I’m not going to tolerate much more of it.

I still don’t understand what you are referring to - can you point to the post you are upset about?

Why yes, yes I can.

And you can go to your own timeline and see them yourself.

Stay on topic here and move to PM if you have anything else to say.

One of the ( many) problems with Trump is him yelling things out loud that other Presidents would keep to themselves.

No but I do want our NATO allies to call the FBI when they catch Rump’s offspring, campaign manager and staff, White House staff, personal lawyers, etc., conspiring with Russian spies.

Makes them feel justified about their own lack of empathy.

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He is SUCH a giant d1ckhead…HE joked about calling the Queen and the ‘Prince of Whales’…and now he’s pretending OTHER people want him to??? Typical Trump.

True this. Mueller couldn’t nail the gang at the High Tower in 2016 because they were deemed to be political newbies. A few years laters they’re the pros from Dover and know what they’re doing. First dibs go to Norway, however.


I started to see a lot more of that beginning in January 2017. Before that it was the few toddlers who are my neighbors.


This way lies madness when you ask that question.



I’m pretty sure other presidents haven’t considered the possibility of urging foreign governments to interfere with our politics and so have not a need to keep it to themselves.

But you have no way of actually KNOWING that, do you? We can all speculate on how pure our politicians are.

He most decidedly did not write that book. It was a ghost named Tony Schwartz who regrets that he ever aided and abetted this clown. From Wiki:

Trump: The Art of the Deal is a 1987 book authored by Tony Schwartz and credited to Donald Trump. Part memoir and part business-advice book, it was the first book credited to Trump, and helped to make him a “household name”.


Al Gore received info from an unknown source having to do with dubya’s debate preparation. He called the FBI. Not gonna debate this with you.


Right. But that one example doesn’t mean this has never occurred before. No debate required.

We’re far wiser in 2019 and will continue to be in 2020 than we were in 2016. But if you want to believe what @tena says about politics including Beto, and the entire GOP paying for the sins of trumPP, then just believe and don’t doubt. trumPP’s disapproval rating in TX is higher than his approval rating.

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The stupidity continues unabated:

Several senators up for reelection vowed to call the FBI immediately if they received such information.

“You have to report it to authorities. Generally speaking, it’s a part of, in the case of like Russia, it’s an effort to disrupt our elections,” said Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.), who is up for reelection and working to stay close to Trump amid a primary challenge. “My first call would be to the FBI, my second call would be somebody to corroborate the information.”

***Did someone call the FBI like I asked? Yes? Oh, good. OK, now, back to what Russia gave us here, guys. Has anyone found corrobration? We don't want to be using this unless we can verify it. Get a second source now that Putin has tipped us off to it, and we'll say that second source is where we got it all along. Got it? Good.***